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solo 8 pat.mp4

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Joshua Rogers

Kang Taeshik (The purple haired B-Rank) was present alongside Woo Jinchul when Jinwoo had his Mana reassessed in the hospital. He also works for the Hunters Association, so he is likely in the loop about the mystery of the Double Dungeon. I can also clear up the confusion regarding Cha Hae-in asking what the other two were talking about. First, the three of them aren't all in the same guild. Choi Jong-in (Red hair & glasses) is the Guildmaster of the Hunters Guild, and Cha Hae-in is his Vice-Guildmaster. Baek Yoonho (Orange hair) is the Guildmaster of the White Tigers Guild. So Cha Hae-in asking what they were talking about isn't exactly abnormal as it would be important for her to know about major discussions between her Guildmaster and another guild's Guildmaster. Also, the Hunters Association and Hunters Guild are different entities. Its confusing, but think of the Association as a public entity run by Korea while the Hunters Guild is a private business run by hunters.


solo leveling is so ass its crazy