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frieren 25 pat.mp4

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“You are the type to mercilessly abandon your allies unless there are rules against it.” I think that's why they didn’t cooperate at first. They will be cheaters and people that take advantage of others. Remind me a bit of the prisoner dilemma paradox. I just rewatched a YT video about it recently(Veritasium YT). Do you cooperate or do you go against each other? The prisoner dilemma goes like this. There are two prisoners that have to choose to cooperate or go against each other. If both cooperate they get 3 points each. If one cooperates and the other attacks, the one that attacks gets 5 points and the one that cooperates gets 0 points. Of both attacks they get 1 point each. So logically if the opponent cooperates you can attack to get 5 points instead of 0 point, if the opponent attacks you better attack so you get 1 point instead of zero. So the best strategy is always attack but that ends up with the lowest point total 1 each or 2 total. If you always cooperate you get 3 points each 6 total which is more points than a 5,0. So logically the best strategy is always attacking. But if we see the bigger picture the whole group will be better always cooperating. But it does teach about human behaviour, conflict and everything. Like the guy they were talking to in the quote. If he sees the opportunity to get ahead he will take it. When Fern shoot Frieren on the wall Damned she is fast 😮 Frieren's only weakness is she has a very very short blind spot the moment she casts a spell. And yea I think only Fern is familiar enough with Frieren and fast enough to exploit it. For some reason I love that it’s only Fern and Frieren. Animation wise it will only muddle things if everyone gets involved. You can only show so much at the same time. Story wise it’s a great Fern / Frieren moment. And they don’t have to worry about protecting others. Yep Serie is the same voice actor as Killua. Also Reg from Made in Abyss. I like what they did with the characterization. Series only wanting to teach the talented and magic should be special. It setup perfectly why Flamme was the founder of human magic. And it shows why Series cannot create an era where they defeat the demon king. And why is she just in her throne doing nothing. And only granting 1 spell to the 1st class mage. It explain how Frieren was instrumental to humanity mastering Zoltrack and explain why most of the advancement is done by humanity and why we cannot use Series as a Deus ex machina to solve everything despite her having so much more magical knowledge. Also what Serie said about Flamme in their walk, I doubt she care about saving humanity or defeating the demon king her favorite spell is flower. In the episode where we mets Serie we got told that Frieren is the one that would defeat the demon King. Not Series and not Flamme. It’s all tied down to their personality. After Episode. I think Serie knows that humanity will surpass them. She said it herself. But I don’t think it’s fear. It’s more like disgusted by the inevitable situation. It’s like you know something is coming and you don’t like it but not I’m fearful way more of it’s going to be trash living in a world where a common blow can be better than me. The flashback and story telling is one of the best thing in this anime. It’s so well done on how Frieren remember all that was said and see it happening right now and being so happy about it. It’s just the best way to do flashback. Nobody integrated flashback like Frieren. This show the way they do flashback is so organic and well integrated in the narrative. It’s all a one coherent flow. I don’t know if people get what I’m saying it’s hard to express in word. That was my thought 😁 Take Care 😋


Richter is such an ass lol