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You should definitely avoid theo pening until you are done with the first cour. Same case with the next cour opening even tho it has minor spoilers but still spoilers. Cour 1 ending has no spoilers and it's the same for cour 2 ending. Just good to get into the habit of checking for stuff after the ending. As an example, if you had skipped the one in episode 5 you might've been confused by the start of episode 6. The poems are quite cool to read and hopefully you can check out the special ending of episode 7!


You can't really imagine who that could've been huh lol


I would propose just for eps 6-7 that you also watch them together. You won't regret it.


Aaa, my mood immediately lifts when I see your posts on TYBW




Just a trivia fact. All the Quincie attacks are named after "broken/bad" german words, so i'd like to give some translations, it may be easier to remember them. Sternenritter (Their group): Star knights. Voll Stern Dich (Urahara explanation - 1st ability): Full star yourself. Blut (Urahara explanation - 2nd ability): Blood Wandenreich (Name of their base i think); "Wanden" does not exist, but "Wandern" which means hiking. Reich (in this content) means realm, so its the hiking realm. (No clue if that was their intended name, i assume not)


The King's name "Yhwach" is pronounced as "Yu-Ha-Ba-Ha". If you want to know how they pronounce it in the show, just listen to how they say it. Sub or Dub, both say it the same way. I know it can be a bit confusing seeing his name spelled out like that and not pronounced the same way but you get used to it! XD


just a few suggestion. episodes 6-7 go together so I highly suggest you watch them together. as for episode 7 please pay special attention to the beginning of the episode and the ending outro. there is no spoilers at the ending of none of the episodes. after you skip the intro some episodes may show preview clips of what your about to watch so skip that preview in the beginning that plays with intro music if you don't wont to be spoiled. Also you were confuse about them sealing and stealing bankai. that was done on purpose because the head captain Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, vice captain Chōjirō Sasakibe who died misspoke with his dying breath and said seal instead of steal due to being to hurt to speak properly. so the information was told to all captains that they can seal your bankai. when the captain of squad 12 Mayuri Kurotsuchi tried to research how they were able to seal it he got the negative message on his screen which made him say "so there not sealing our bankai" that was a clue that he had a bankai that you had never seen before and he used it on the enemy before it was stolen. I hope this clears up that misunderstanding.