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affection 5 pat.mp4

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For me A Sign Of Affection is a bit like the Frieren of Romance. It’s such a feel good anime that doesn't rely on drama. There was a bit with Emma but Itsuomi went to Yuki house soon after and didn’t let it linger too long. I would have liked that he found her when she ran off but that's fine. I’m so glad they are older and more mature. These constant beatings around the bush of anime with younger characters can get aggravating sometime. Don’t get me wrong they are also good but it’s so refreshing to have main characters acting more mature. Let watch the reaction 😁


It also bothers me that Yuki’s family doesn’t know sign language. Yuki Laugh was so cute 🥰 Kyouya conversation about Itsuomi considering Yuki his, Not girlfriend but his ? 🤨 is a bit weird. Emma Girl, You have to learn to let go it’s not going to happen. Now you're just a bitch. The Yuki too afraid to ask. Sometime I just wish people would just talk to each other and stop the assumption. You have the best reaction to this show 😁 Take Care 😋