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as everyone has already mention please do not pause the video, simply let the ending song play out until you see the title of the next episode. this will help you avoid missing end credits and poems. as far as playing the blame game, people do that all the time when they look bad. with any war fought there is no such thing as black and white, nor good and evil. their is always a motive or goal trying to be achieved. when the guy that looks like Aizen said wars are fought when both sides are just he was trying to say that wars are fought when both sides think they are right! the winner is the one that becomes justice! this is true for our world too. first world countries may be the leaders of society but people tend to look over what they had to do to get to that point. every side has family and friends they love and care for just as much as the other side. so what makes them the villain's and us the heroes? food for thought.

