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spy 2x11 pat.mp4

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I think spy x family is the perfect anime just to chill. I am absolutly ok that not every episode is intense or to goofy. For me its really an anime to relax and I love it and I recently (in November) have been in Japan and spy x family is HUGE over there. You have ANYA Themed Candy in the 7-eleven , I heard atleast 10 times in the street the theme from the second opening of spy x family. In netflix Japan its always in the top 10 etc. I hope the Anime will continue for many more season.


I know it’s meant to be funny but becky part of the episode was a bit too cringy for me. Becky swinging her hair around and Anya copying her 🤣 ok that was funny. Also Yor throwing becky getting hit by a car and catching her back 🤣 There is not much to say about Fiona part. Well the episode itself. It was a good fun way to pass time but nothing more this time. Take Care 😋