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frieren 12 pat.mp4

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This was great. This show does it every episode. There has not been a single bad episode. Great reaction 👍


This slice of life from Himmel time never fail to put a smile on my face 😁 Fern keep seeing echhi situation when there is none. Stark is oblivious of all that, 😂 I didn’t expect that Himmel wasn’t able to pull the sword but it make an even better story, It’s not the typical hero do everything as expected. And it’s a good lesson. He didn’t need the sword to be a hero. Even if he failed to pull the sword and had a “fake” sword he’s still a real hero. Even more so no magic OP sword for him just a cheap replica. 👍


Clothes dissolving potion is such a Frieren thing to have odd potion and magics 😁 And it seem like Flamme was into it also since she recommended it to Frieren. 😂 Stark has some Himmel in him. Going around helping people. 👍 🤣 When Stark tried to tell Fern about the cloud. Just a look at her face then Never mind 🤣


When Stark dirty his brother's cloth. Then his brother kneels in the mud to train him so not it doesn’t matter that stark got a little mud on his cloth. 🥰 I love so much the reveal of Stark story in this episode, At first we think no birthday present and he’s only one that run but they gave him hamburger present because it’s their tradition as a gift even his brother and it was his brother that told him to run to survive 🥰 It’s amazing how very simple story are told in an wonderful way in this show.


After episode “How funny how our emotion don’t come across unless we said it” A lot goes back to be able to say thing to each other. We don’t read mind. You have to say it. This show is truly a gem. Nothing flashy but it convey so much with little things. It was a great reaction Loved it 🥰 Take Care 😋

Kay Goodman

This was truly heartwarming. Your emphasis on " We can't get our feelings across unless we put them into words" is on point. The important but subtle emotions like love, gratitude, admiration, and pride can be so easily overlooked unless you speak it to the ones you care about.

Laude Stellarum Nocte

Man, I swear I adore this anime. Frieren has to be the most precious character to hit the scene in a minute, and every other character in this show isn't far behind.


The little run/smile when Frieren was about to show Fern what she was giving Stark is the most energetic I've ever seen her