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jujutsu 2x4 pat.mp4

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Maki is the one with glasses. Mai is her sister.


Heavenly pacts or what I call heavenly gambits is disclosing informations about your powers to your enemies, in this universe doing so amplifies said powers alot. That's why there's so much explaining going on in the show. Also I love geto's character, he has principle, we know he wants to protect the weak. Even how he calls them monkeys I think can be derived from his encounter with toji, we know that geto killed hundreds of normies and got expelled from the school for it, we don't know how that happened exactly but I'm pretty sure it had something to do with him denouncing the jujutsu society as a whole as evil, hence why he went to war against them in the movie. That's just my theory


The reason he remembers Megumi is cause he was talking about all the “blessings” Geto and Gojo have. Megumi means “blessing”. So it popped in his mind.