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heavenly 13 pat.mp4

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Season 1 Finale. I do hope we don’t have too long to wait for season 2. It’s been the anime of the year altho underappreciated. by the mass 🥺. Lol for some reason I feel like the kid going outside would be relatable to you It’s so hot outside and Ahhh there bugs flying 😁 The doctor is so sus saying the one with the marking then screaming Noooo!!! 🤣 Sailing across the sea. Well you power of prediction is unmatch Lexie 😁 Robin so need to die and painfully, In the sister's memory. We heard a gunshot with Robin Face associated with it. So that proof’s enough for me. Not that we needed more proof but that definitive proof. I’m with you. Robin needs to die. Ave already said it but it's worth repeating.


Maru confession was so perfect It’s not Haruki nor Kiriko it’s you that I love 🥰 See, the girl in that room was a resident only register 3 months ago so he use people for his experiment. Robin has been hurting people all the time since. In the boat it’s a time skip I guess that's just to tease us for Season 2.


After Episode What happened to the kids and what happened to Tokio so many question to make us wait for season 2 😁 To me the place Maru found where Robin was is not the school they need to find. They are already leaving with the truck so Next season they will find the school and go from there. It would make more sense if they found the school early to further the plot along and get to the 2nd phase so the 2nd season is not just a repeat of the 1st season for Maru and Haruko. (speculation) Ya Robin is just a horrible person. With weird fetishes.


From what I gather there is no official announcement that there will be a 2nd season but a well known leaker that is usually right told us that he got confirmation for a season 2. Manga wise the first season cover 32 chapters. And they are not at chapter 55. So not quite enough to cover an other 32 chapters season be we are getting close and the Manga is still releasing. But it’s a monthly release so unfortunately we will have to wait a while for the Manga to get enough ahead. Super interesting season. Thank you for the reaction Take Care, 😋


Good episode and season overall, I really enjoyed it. If anyone remembers I was the one who had the theory that everything that was happening at the school was in the past and that Maru is the child of Tokio. I was shocked that I was right about that. I didn't feel like I was paying attention when I came up with that theory and I based it solely on what our AwakeProductions! girl said. Although, I may have been right about those things, I feel like have no idea what is happening in this show and the season ended with so many unanswered questions. I do think it's good writing and I think it'll be interesting to see the next season.