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hell 10 pat.mp4

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Just watch the intro and I'm looking foward to Heavenly Delusion way more than Hell Paradise 😋


Now im just confused with this tao thing. So where does the elixir come into play?


I didn’t expect Gabimaru to beg them to help with the tensan good for him. It’s funny that in this and clorox they don’t remember names whatever-mon (Asaemon) I like it because I struggle to remember names. So they are all talking of the same thing tao but in different words the blind mind sees it as waves. The little girl can only say tao strong weak. The tree guy explain the middle way. Oh yea I forgot tao below the navel so last episode Gabimaru hit the tensen near the navel and it affected him. So I guess that a key. The two brother the blond guy is smart to have figured it out on his own. The doshi Yea please go back into the hole. Seriously 😂


After episode. Ok good we learn a bit about the tao and I guess that will be the key going forward. I think every one has tao but not everybody can control it. I guess if you can control it it make you immortal since you can use it to heal yourself. Ok a lot of information and not much understanding on my part 😁 Take care 😋


The blind sword Master is wrong or the subtitles are wrong. He says, "If you keep your sword oil fee, it will last longer." In fact, the samurai would oil their swords because they were made of a high carbon that was not rust resistant. The oil works a barrier that stops the oxygen molecules in water from reacting with iron and forming rust. I think what the blind master meant to say was, "The speed of the blade is important [to prevent blood and bodily fluids from causing rust]. If you keep your sword [oiled and fee of water], your sword will last longer."