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hell 4 pat.mp4

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Justin Yong

I don't think the Shinobi girl knows what she's getting into with Gabi. He's clearly not amused and I can't imagine him falling for her tricks. Will be interesting to see how that plays out.


That was cool. The bakugo looking guy's father was one of the 47 ronin.


What if that elixir thing or whatever it is, is what made those colorful titans? 🤔


Starting with another criminal backstory. I guess if the guy has a backstory he must be an important character. Well more than the few that were killed right way. At first I thought the death sentence for breaking the gate was a bit harsh but then he probably killed a bunch of people when the whole clan went against him. Must have kill so many of them before they could arrest him,


The dissecting guy. From his face it seems like he has a fascination for dissecting the body and finding more about how it works. I think it’s more about the finding than the cure. But I may be wrong It seems like everyone has the same idea. Killing the competition. I should have expected when you put a bunch of serial killers together on an island that most will think of killing others. The binding. He just uses the Asaemon sword when he threatens him to cut his bound.


I kind of like this from Gabimaru. Enough stop thinking time to kill. There is a moment to strategies and plan. Then they are surrounded so nothing is going to matter so let just start killing. 😁 He’s not bogged down by overthinking. Strategies when it’s appropriate but staying there overthinking and not acting. Nope. It’s cute that Gabimaru listen to his wife and thanks the other girl This show is funnier than expected especially the dead pan “oh so he was seduced” 🤣 I do like the ninja girl When you saw what she did to Moro Makiya are you sure you want to be her partner 😅 All the testing done on him.


So the monster are a mismatch of all kind of different thing. The ninja girl is deceitful but funny so she is good as an anime character. In real life the worst but great in a show. The monster are a mismatch of religions so they spur out thing like killing is sins Yea the monster seem like a sick creation from someone or something. So they are programed with ideologies.


Finding the Elixir and using it on themself. That's a way out that the shogun didn’t think about. For some of those criminals, if they are immortal, why dive the elixir to the shogun. But then Again Gabimaru they could not execute him but he still need the pardon to live peacefully with his wife. Not that the village chief will let it happen but that is another problem. For the Brother and a few other criminals if they can’t be killed they can do whatever they want.


After Episode. Yes, the Shinobi girl use each other until one betrays the other. As long as they have an understanding that’s what is happening. It’s good info that the moths is what they have to worries about. Thank you for the reaction Take Care 😋