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😁 Well you know the drill I'm still watching heavenly delusion reaction. It's seem like I've been one episode late all day 😋 I hope we have an other great one 👍


Thats four uploads within the last 24hrs and one of those was almost 2hrs long. Thank you! 🙏


I believe she first year of college and he’s last year of high school so only 1 year apart. Well the title of the anime is My Love Story with Yamada-Kun at Lv999 so I guess they end up together maybe not right away but eventually. We don’t see the eyes of the blind date guy so he’s just a filler. Yes Forest of Savior, FOS. At the blind date the guy reacting to FOS, It’s not a lame game. Is just that the guy doesn’t play so he didn’t know what to say,


Ruri Could be a creepy old guy 😁 They got me good with Ruri. 😁 Best thing is to stop thinking about it. ( feeling more giddy about the game than the date ) Ya don’t get too much in your head. Things just happen organically. The scene at the guild with Yamada and Ruri alone. Again assuming things that are not there and get way too much in your head. 😋 Yamada said it last time he never had a girlfriend.


🤣not giving him eyes 🤣 ( The blind date) I’m going for the sibling theory with Yamada and the other girl. She is totally lost and the map doesn’t help 😁 That is why you need a precise address even then sometimes. Lol when she turn her phone to get a different angle it just turns itself. 🤣 You still got it. You guess Ruri on the first scene 🤩 The older guy has a FOS jacket 😁 And they way he’s hide 🤣


Ya I was pretty disappointed when they rewind so much. I want to see what happens to Ruri, But I guess we'll have to wait for the next episode. However we got a sweet moment with Yamada 🥰 I’m going to puke, 🤣 I was wondering when that would come. 🤣 I don’t know about the other girl but it’s clearly a misunderstanding. There is no romance between them. That was super cute. And your reaction make it even better. Thank you Take Care. 😋