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I don’t know if you guys heard but reactors have been receiving suspensions because of copyright claims from Viz Media. Until I delete all of their content, my account will be suspended. I am currently in the process of removing all of the required content. I will keep you guys posted. I’m not sure how all do this works. I’m hoping that if I email them once it’s all removed they will soon reinstate my account.

Also, moving forward I don’t know how I’m going to post bleach reactions without it getting flagged since it was one of the shows they flagged. All of the reactions will still be on the reaction documents but as for new reactions that I post throughout the month, I haven’t quite figured it out. I would love some suggestions. Leave them down below.



that sucks. it's bull shit. hopefully everything is resolved quickly


Hope it isn't a big hassle to resolve. :( Got my fingers crossed for you. Always looking forward to your Bleach reactions!

Jesse Gallimore

They find the content using keywords. Just make sure you use different names in the posts. For instance, title Bleach as Clorox instead of Bleach.


Yeah it has hit almost everyone I support as all of you peps react to anime. However, so far everyone has been able to get un suspended once they have done what was needed. Hope all goes well for ya. Looking forward to more reactions once your account is back and your comfortable providing them. Thank you.


We can't have nothing anymore


It does suck. Well the other reactor have their account back after deleting post but it does take a few days


i guess you could do timed reactions. just post the play time and we can just sync up


I think I’ll still post reaction but I’ll just put the links on my reaction document and I’ll let you guys know as I update it.


I’m thinking I’ll put the reactions on the reaction document and let you guys know once it’s updated until I figure something else out.


that would work👍 again, this is some bull shit.


Damn, hopefully you can get it sorted! I’ve been loving the Bleach reactions.


Oh, this account here and not YouTube? That’s such nonsense. Hopefully you can get everything back.


the post's are still visible on my phone but not on my pc. anyone else have this problem?


I think it was because her account was suspended now it's back to normal 🕺🕺🙌😋


Never heard of this happening, idk what you could do. Might have to do Google drives?


Apparently it's a bot, so change letter like this BL3ACH protect your post with a password there is also other "patreon" site...


I'm subscribed to 3 reaction channels on patreon and all 3 of em had the same issue as you. (I'm not saying names cause i don't want to advertise others). Channel 1: They reuploaded the videos to Vimeo and made a post with all the Links. Channel 2: They reuploaded the videos to Dailymotion and streamable with a password and postet the links in their Discord instead of Patreon (for now).