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overlord 4x11 pat.mp4

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Aww yeeah. peepoCute


I caught on to him maybe being pandoras actor when albedo was a little disrespectful before the fight started. Then corrected herself and said lord ainz


and here we thought ainz finally had a good fight. 🤦‍♂️


😂it was so out of character for Ainz to do that, but make sense now that we know who it was . I definitely don’t think the dragon is a player lol, I wonder if that armor belonged to his friend who was a player. He’s just using it now as a way to protect the world from evil players 🤔? I could be completely wrong though, and the way he was talking about evil players while also talking about killing that guy in the red armor because he wanted someone better for it lol. Not a lot of camaraderie with the dragon lol. Has items from the game (red suit) knows how to fight against players too, the reason why I think that is because used skills to trap someone as well knowledge about evil players. Just feels like we learned alot more about the story, and I think the battle is over now we’re just seeing how they’ll destroy the kingdom. Ainz can just summon it from his storage, he doesn’t need to have it the staff out at all times. Makes sense for him to use it when fighting, and no idea who the thousand people are my guess would be some extra people the nobles brought along.


Also the way he pronounces Player and NPC like they aren’t words he knew but words he picked up


I don't feel bad for Cocco Doll, he was in charge of the prostitution ring of 8 fingers. We saw what that shit was like with Tuare so wile I'd rather he was just dead I'll settle for him being eaten alive for a few days


you can tell it was Pandora's actor because he doesnt have the red orb in his chest


a little secret, ainz never bow to anyone ^_^


my thought exactly. he even begged. i thought it was comply or die when it comes to ainz. it did fool me though


Before the show start. I’m glad it’s not a blood bath because frankly seeking that guardian or Ainz killing thousands of people is somewhat boring. You need interesting characters and plot line which this episode has.


Let jump into the reaction. Pandora Actor did fool me. I should have known something was off when he was activating all these spell before the battles started. I’m pretty sure fire doesn’t do anything 🙃 Kudo for remembering the dragon. I didn’t remember the dragon at all.


😅 they got us good. I thought the armor guy was putting up a fight but it’s again Pandora 😂 I was actually surprised that he could fight Ainz even if Ainz was not really fighting just trying to get info. Well still strong to put up with Pandora. Pandora wait I’m still talking and kneeling should have been a dead giveaway but they did fool me. I didn’t even think about it.


Well after a pause to watch the two trying no to laugh video on YT I’m back. I agree it’s not natural for him to say player and NPC. So he definitely picked it up from someone else. But it means there is someone else out there. Well I can only hope they are still there. I wish we had more development on this front. I kind of getting bored with Ainz just massacre everyone. 🤣 They did get us good. But on the 2nd watching we can see that Ainz is not that weak and the whole kneeling wait I’m not done talking 🤣


That was a good episode. And it’s clever to hide his truth strength. Ainz does come up with a good plan. You have to give it to him this season. Even though he is mostly clueless about his guardian plan most of the time. But he’s already OP as it is so it add more fun when he doesn’t know what is happening. Last episode when Zanac died he did say he’s not interested anymore and the guardian can do whatever they want I guess he went back home then send Pandora for this scheme.


After episode All the whole we massacre everyone in the kingdom because they stole food. Is an over reaction. I guess we want to rule with fear. But in the end. Ainz doesn’t see anyone as people. Only if you are useful to him maybe he’ll tolerate you for a bit otherwise. Only 2 episodes left. I don’t know if we will make much progress. I hope they leave us with a good cliffhanger for us to be impatient for season 5. I don’t know who the thousand of people were but I guess the noble had people under them that they( the noble) deem worth saving. Like as a noble you save yourself and a couple hundred of your followers. That just a wild guess. Ok thank you for the reaction Take Care. 😋


Fun fact, the red orb in Ainz' abdomen is a world item in itself. Keep in mind it wasn't just any food they stole, it was basically disaster relief Ainz had donated (for a problem he caused but no one knows that). It'd be like attacking a red cross convoy. Also you gotta remember that the kingdom is basically scum all over, even to the other countries in the New World. Dragon lord is basically saying he's protecting his world including the cancer cells.


I believe it was not the smart useful nobles but members of 8 fingers (the higher up criminal employees) and the nobles working with them. We should see next episodes if I am correct.


1. Please don't post spoilers for the upcoming movie. 2. More importantly, the staff of Ainz Ooal Gown is not a world class item (while the red orb is). It is a guild weapon which is stronger than strongest normal weapons but weaker then world items. About same level as Touch Me's World Champion Armor. Btw, the guild would be disbanded and the NPCs would disappear if the guild weapon was destroyed in the game, which is why Ainz mostly only uses a fake one. 3. Yes, the kingdom is scum of the human countries in the new world. Although it is hard to say how much better some of the other countries are. We don't get much of a look at the different countries from a commoners perspective.


A little correction: The dragon is not from the Theocracy, it is from the council states. The theocracy actually mentions that they don't want to piss him off. Also, food may seem trivial when you have abundance of it in a modern first world country. But the holy kingdom is a devastated medieval country. People probably starved to death because that convoy with food did not arrive in the Holy Kingdom. Its not like you can call up Amazon to get more. So while it is not kill millions and destroy the whole kingdom level bad, it feels like everyone trivializes it.


I don't think my comment had any spoilers, though if it does somehow spoil something for anyone I apologize. And yeah, your other two points I agree with. Red orb is world class item. Kingdom is scum from the New World's perspective.