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little women 1 pat.mp4

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Yay new K-Drama. I'll have to watch the episode it first otherwise I just can't follow 😅


First impression. The first episode was intriguing. I think most of the scheme went way over my head. I don't get half of what happening. 😅 It only appear to be barely related to the English Little Women. Well it's gasping at straw but the only similarity is a poor family with sisters, a rich grant aunt and an artist sister. But everything else the plot is completely different. I think this series will piss me off with with how shitty people can be. Just the first episode and I'm frustrated by some side characters. I'm very interest in your reaction but it's getting late and I really need to keep my sleep schedules in check so will watch tomorrow. 😋 Take Care.


I wonder if it was just me, but I noticed that politician had a flower on his lapel, and you know who else had a flower? That girl who stole all the money, she had a flower on her ankle. Granted 2 different incidents since the companies aren’t the same, but definitely something interesting. At the end of the day she did steal money, and used it for herself to buy expensive clothes as well as going to trips. It is nice she at least gave the money away before dying. I’m really bad with the names here so I’m sorry if I don’t call them by their names 😅. I didn’t grow up in a house with a lot of money, so I can definitely understand the younger sister not wanting to be a burden on her family. She wants to go to that trip, but knows the strain that puts their family in. I was the same way in my house, and their is that level of embarrassment from using second-hand clothes. I can understand her sisters wanting to not have her go through the same thing they did while growing up. She wants to help her siblings she wants to make money, so she doesn’t have to make her sisters spend money on her, as well as even having some extra cash instead of having to ask her sisters. Also not sure how it is in other countries, but for mine you can fire someone who was an addiction. It can’t be a reason for their termination, they can offer rehabilitation for them, but it’s illegal to fire someone because they have a substance abuse problems. Also I was only thinking she was drinking mouthwash, because she couldn’t afford alcohol wasn’t thinking she was drinking actual alcohol lol. This reminds me of a manga where a dad kills his daughters bf(bf was a human traffickers), and teams up with the gang the bf is involved with to find the bf (who’s dead). Also I would prefer to see that narco-saint kdrama since I feel like that one has more action, instead of being a slow burn like this one.


this one is a keeper that's all im gonna say. one more thing. i was more shocked by the fact that she was drinking tequila i was not expecting that. that's my go to drink


I noticed that shoes are a big theme in this show. I’ll have to keep a lookout for that. Another thing I noticed while editing is that the reporter sister said she designed an app that would put book keepers out of business. And the boss of the sister who quit her job said “if I didn’t check the ledger I wouldn’t have noticed she stole from me” like there are commonalities all over the show that I didn’t notice before. Things are all connected somehow but I just don’t get how.


Also I was thinking, why else would her friend have gotten a face job? She’s going to look fucked up so she’d probably be unrecognizable and maybe it’s an excuse for the fact that she doesn’t look the same. She had a lot of money. She could have set things up where she paid a coroner off to say it’s her and she is actually somewhere else in Europe? Granted this may be super far fetched but I thought I’d put it out there!!


Hmm... you may be on to something there. they did make sure we noticed the tattoo. that can easily be replicated. and now that you mention it. shoes do seem to be a theme on here. i would have never noticed that. good eye. i think i might have to give this episode another look.


I haven’t much experience from K-Drama. So if this feel higher quality it’s great I like the first episode. Lock him out of the house. Well it’s just her boss coming and giving her Kimchi (well the raw plant I don’t know how kimchi is made so ) So they just lock the door after he left. First scene it doesn’t seem like the mom and her daughter had a very good relationship. Their mood get down as soon as she comes in and we know what happens afterward. 😩 I kind of hated the mom even before she left with the money. Toxic relationship. The sister was so happy to go on the field trip now she put guilt into her.


[The mom] That is not something you say go to school on a charity case. Even if it’s remotely true. Which I don’t think it is since she is good at painting and they said she got in on a scholarship. Way to put down your children and for what? Yep predicting the future she[the mom] will take the money 😁 Yep, one of the older sisters screamed at the start of the scene when she saw the letter. 😋 Like I said in my comment yesterday there are so many asshole in this show I feel like I’m going to get very frustrated with the side cast. “How do you think I feel refusing your request, “ That comment pisses me off so much the bitch. The work environment. Outcasts hanging together make it worse. Why? What a shitty place.


In the intro there is a lot about flowers. I notice that on rewatch. I’m so happy that you love this show already. 🤩 I don’t get not getting emotional when you present a sob story. It seem everyone is an ass in this show 😅 There is so much foreshadowing in this show that we miss on the first viewing. Focusing on the foot tattoo, confusing on the mouth wash. At first I thought, don't drink mouth watch. But then we know what it is later. 😅


The Great Aunt is part of the original Little Women. She is a rich relative. Not easy to be with but not so bad in the original. As you saw in the YT reply that is not her sister. It’s the flower girl😋 You get so confuse because you didn’t know it was the flower girl. So I guess she made her sign the paper to own the software. Yep, the aunt is very hard to live with that why she doesn’t want to go there even if the aunt is rich. But then she has to. The aunt. I wouldn't say nice. But decent for a rich person. She is very difficult in the original Little Women and opinionated on how people should live. And not afraid to say so obviously. She is a good person but very hard to be with. In the original she sister went working for the aunt reading to her everyday.


The neighbor 😁 The girl in the painting and her mom. I don’t get why she won’t accept money. Do you know how much it cost to commission a painting by an artist. It’s freaking expensive. She should get paid for the painting and if she had to travel she should get expenses. Reimburse. Money for cab fare is fine. Why do they get so uptight about it. Unless there is something more ominous behind it. The sister just earning money with her art as she should. It’s not begging it’s getting paid for your work 🤨


The schemes are too complexe for me. I don't get all the money trail. 😅 The tequila I really didn’t see that coming. I was wondering why they kept focusing so much on the mouth wash. “Friend could be dead in here” You are predicting everything 😋 there nothing the show can hide from you 😂 “bitch has money that she shouldn't have” Again 😂 There is a lot of suicide in this show “murder” 😅. You commented about the plastic surgery and putting somebody else as a suicide double. That a stretch but maybe nothing would surprise me with how complex show is, Like I said, all this money scheme is way over my head.


Like Sebastian said depending on the law you usually can fire someone for dependence you have to help them. Lol you are still confused about the dinner it’s not the 3rd shoe it’s the one she had at dinner. 😂 After episode. I’m glad you like this show. I like the first episode. Very intriguing. I don’t have much more to comment since I’m too stupid to undertand all the money scheme. Let go to the 2nd episode. Well not right now but eventually 😋 Thank you for the reaction Take Care. 😋