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Nice the next overlord, i'm always happy to see this. <3 To answer one of your questions: Death knights are around lvl 35.


Philips is very stupid unless they somehow manupulated him but I think it’s all on him. They still gave them a month of preparation for the war. I’m so confuse about Ainz plan in this war. Ainz really doesn’t give a F* about humans or anyone that is not useful to him. Like usual Ainz doesn’t know what he’s doing but it always end up in his favor and he look like a genius that plan everything. I like Nigredo design. I was saying on YT not all Nazareth citizens are bloodthirsty to kill everyone type. So I like this Nigredo already. Ok to tell the truth I don’t really know her so she might be twisted also but good first impression. 👍 Ainz eating the biscuit and it fall right off his mouth 😅


That the thing with Overlord the go to solution is to massacre them. I feel bad introducing new characters and getting them killed. I hope they somehow survive and we see more of them in the future. Well we at least have an interesting new characters. A mech 😅 Like it so out of place in sword and magic world. And they have a gun. “Just as expected my ass” 🤣 Well finaly something interesting. Just Ainz massacre everyone get old pretty fast. After episode I’m leaning toward Ainz lying as expected 😅 But I’m not sure. Ok I think that was a typical Overlord episode. Not much to say. Thank you for the reaction. Take Care. 😋


Has to be a player, that guy has a gun 🤣 kinda hard to get one. I'm wondering what if only that mech guy in Vermillion Drop is the only player or if there's more in that group🤔. Also seeing how the death knight was able to deflect some of the bullets that mech guy might not be close to Ainzs' level. The only interesting part is when there's no action lol, since the fight scenes are so one sided it's not as interesting. From googling it, it says death knights are level 35, not as high as I was thinking lol.


At least a certain association to players seem likely. After all CZ (One of the Maids) also uses a gun and is not a player. So that Mecha dude might either be a player, an npc (From another guild?) or at least uses items from other players. Either this fellow seems to be interesting.


“Just as expected my ass” - same XD Regarding the Mech-guy, I guess if the Mech is a magic "item/armor", it could simply enhance whoever wears it that much - also means that it's certainly related to other players (because even if for some reason the guy wearing it isn't a player, the suit must originally have come from one); no way any of them made that themselves, not if enchantments aren't as powerful & e.g. rune-items have declined so much (dwarves)