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I just watched 20 on my own. Another heavy episode. I need a small break before watching the reaction 😅. I'm glad we had Haikyuu between MiA and this 😋. I'll watch the reaction later tonight and come back to comment 😁


Haine was the one who copied shinpei back during the festival, as well as his phone too. Making it possible for haine to use them during this loop, and that’s why shinpei was shocked because he forgot about it. It does get a little hard to remember everything that happened in all the loops. Also there’s two shide’s, eve in the last loop Ushio killed 1 Shide then the second one killed her. It makes sense for there to be 2 shide’s since he needs one to be alive in order to make more of himself. Or he made 2 in case 1 died somehow he would still be alive, that’s why there’s 2 shide’s that’s are actually human. Haine implants the memories to the baby Shide in order for him to be “born” again. Like Mio said it’s like he’s a clone not fully human, but not fully a shadow he was born from both. They let tokiko go on purpose, so Shide and haine could get a redo of the fight. Pretty smart on their part tbh lol. Haine copied a little girl, and that became her personality, I think that’s what hizuru was talking about because shadows take the originals host personality. Also Ushio is dead, they explain the seashell later. Ushio was only able to loop because of shinpei, he was brining her back with him. She died before shinpei did meaning he wasn’t able to bring her back with him. They finally talked about Shide having a different goal from haine, we see Shide trying to keep her in the dark about his true goal which differs from Haines’. We do get hints to it, since he’s a big video game fan he talks about his plan like that. It might have mixed reviews what his plan is, so curious how you’ll feel when you know it. Also I think this anime might be 1 season, we’re like pretty close to the end. I wasn’t expecting it it tbh lol.


I kind of overestimate how tired I was so it took me way longer to catch up 😁 Let Start the reaction episode 19 I still don’t get the significance of the seashell. I’m so confused why Haine ran away both times in Episode 19 and 20. At first I thought it has to do with Ushio. It was cleaver for Haine to call the rest with Shinpei form. Ya this show is too complex. I have no idea what happened with the phone and whatnot. Making shinpei choose which group to save. Also I still don’t understand the 2 Shide. At least the Hizuru group know it can be a fake Shinpei LOL at the cop why are you here. He’s been pretty useless in this show. 🤣 At the fight I don’t get what the Shide human body is doing. It seems it’s only the shadow armor should there be a human body inside. I’m so confused. Episode 19 there was not much comment since most of it I’m still confuse on what happen and beside that it’s fighting.


Episode 20 What I don’t understand is Hizuru hitting Shide so much. He is transperse from everywhere and yet the human body inside is not damaged. When Haine asks Hizuru why she came back to the island. Hizuru said that it’s Shinpei's personality. So they are affected by the original personality. But why are they so obsessed with why she came back. . Also Hizuru said the shadow can see the memories but to understand it is another thing. So it might be useful in the future. The shadow might see a lot of what is happening but to understand what is happening so they might be deceived that way. Alto it’s only Hizuru that realised this now and with how the episode end.


I don’t really get the my ending reference but if he’s part human will he have the same problem as Sou’S father? Only shadow can go to the shadow realm or whatever paradise they going to. Ryunnoske taking over is a brilliant plan I haven’t seen it coming. I don’t understand what the two Shide are but If I were to speculate they are hybrid human shadow so they are not quite human and it seem the sparee is only a shell. Weird maybe because he’s only a spare and the real soul is in the other Shide. Shinpei has more control over his power he can see where the loop is at. 👍 I’m sure he will be even more in control in the future. The shadow has been using loops to redo thing at their advantage. Shinpei needs to step it up.


Right now shinpei group is at a disadvantage. They don’t have strong fighters and don’t have weapons. They is something mysterious with the seashell that we don’t understand. Like I said, my first thought was that Ushio was somehow still there. But I really don’t know. So Shide is the manipulative one. So he must have a plan beside just helping Haine since he’s not a shadow and cannot go to Shadowland. Well both of these episodes were good even though it seemed hopeless at times. There is still the seashell we don’t know about. After the episode. I think an ending with saving Haine could be good. We will probably learn what Shide’s plan was all along. And it’s probably something incredibly selfish. Ok that it for me. Take Care. 😋