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woo 13 pat

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been looking forward to this. TY


Perfect timing. I finish watching episode 13. I'm glad that you started with episode 12. Which is a much better episode to start than this one. This is a semi-vacation ish episode and we need a lot more background info on the characters to appreciated it. On the backlog I just finish episode 6. I really feel for the lead attorney. They may be trying to trick us but his condition doesn't look good so he trying to get the most out of life. 🥺 And he one of the good guy in this. And it seem to be at least 2 episode with the same case. Anyway I'm going to start watching the reaction. So be back in 2+ hours at least. 😋


I think she has to enable the download link and post it. But yes it's possible to download with streamable if she check the option for it.


I’ve developed a light affinity for k-pop over the las year and half so it’s fun to see media that references it. Enjoyed the episode and the reaction


[Before episode] I ship so much to Young-Woo and Jun-Ho. I hope it does work out. By the end of the episode and with the preview it seems a bit complicated. But I hope they get things sorted out. Kwon Min-Woo the one that trying to get her fired. I hate him already so everything he does in this episode irritate me even if when it was not that bad 😂


[Let start the episode] 3000 won is about 2.30$ What them go and they don’t tell us what the result are] Exactly 🥺 but the way they make it seem 😭😭😭. Coughing blood is not good. Travel expense for the whole team is going to cost an arm but I guess they can get some vacation on company time. My guess is that he doesn’t do that often if ever so they let it pass this time.


[The friend's advice on how to talk to the in-law] 😂 We know it didn’t go that well. 😂 But ya too much fake is never the best idea. Young-Woo take the do not rules seriously but I think it would be better if she could act like herself sometime. But she cannot judge when it’s appropriate to talk about whales and dauphin so that why she has those rules still. 😁 Just after I wrote that you said “Don’t do any of that just be yourself” I completely agree. 👍


[In the plane] Like I said in earlier everything Kwon Min-Woo does irritate me I love that Jung Myeong-Seok “dancing” in his seat with Young-Woo friends.😍 [at the ticket booth] Ya the ticket booth should be right outside the site. They want the footage and proof they had to pay even if they didn’t want to. In Canada we have a fee to access National parks if you are going to visit the park. But if you are just passing through you just say to them we are not going to stop and they let you pass without paying. Some parks even have a self pay boot where they relied on honest citizens to just put the money in a collection box. No guard stopping anyone from just not paying. 😁


[In the temple.] Bowing 158 times seems a bit excessive. And Kwon Min-Woo Just standing now bowing. 😂 And Woo's friend starting to dance in the temples. 🤣 [in the evening] What up with Kwon Min-Woo and Choi Su-Yeon. Why they keep getting together. I don’t like Kwon so stop it already. [Kwon dad] What do they want us to pity Kwon? I’m sorry for his dad, whatever was wrong with him but it doesn’t excuse Kwon behaviour in the past. It’s not because you have difficulty that you have to be an asshole.


[Jung wife] Balancing personal life and work. It has to be a balance. Jung was all about his job and nothing about his wife. That's why it didn’t work . The other extreme wouldn't work either. Balance is the key. [At night] Once I had a clock that ticked really loud. It is no longer in my possession trash that thing 😂 In my room I have a clock that doesn’t tick just smooth sweeping hands. Jung outside 😭🥺🤗 This doesn’t look good for him 💔 The flower scene 🤣 Ok I hate Kwon but he has one this time. Just because he bought them they are no longer pretty ? 🤣


[Before the dinner with the Jun-Ho sister] 😍He insisted that they could eat before and not eat at his sister place. ❤ [Dolphin watching] I went whale watching and it’s a lot by chance. Sometimes you don’t see anything all day. You were saying at the beginning of the episode. 😁 Don’t repeat any of the advice her friend has been giving her about complimenting the house and the food 🤣 Exactly if she just been herself it would have been better. Her face when she taste the food then say it’s excellent 🤣 After dinner now they are being assholes. I’m glad Jun-Ho studied with her. But Young-Woo overheard everything 🥺 It it was me it would be enough to just say we are leaving. I’m not staying with people who have no respect.


[Possible Break up] This is so unfortunate. Jun-Ho seems to really care for her. She might think of herself as a burden and I really don’t want her to think about herself that way. Nobody should. 🥺 The temple argument is that all the territory is cultural heritage, not only the temple. So by passing through you are visiting a cultural heritage. Even if you don’t go to the temple on g through their land. 😭What a place to end. It’s a two parter continuing next episode. 🥺


[After episode] I also want Young-Woo and Jun-Ho to be happy together. Young-Woo thinking it would be better for Jun-Ho if they were not dating. That's why I hate this break up if it’s what she thinks. She should not think that way. It’s Jun-Ho's choice to be with her. He has the right to decide what would be good for him. She should not decide for him that she is too much of a burden when he doesn’t think so. 💔 I agree I think she is fairly independent and can do things on her own. She’s not a burden. I have the exact same feeling as you about Young-Woo.


Also Jung 🥺. This episode we really need background information on the characters to have the full impact. So It’s good that you start with 12. Kwon well he has to act like an adult and have adult problems but he doesn’t have to be an asshole. How you behave is how I will judge you. Many people with the same or worse circonstance end up being decent people. Well you are more forgiving to Kwon than me. Maybe he will grow on me if he start to act like a decent human being Thank you for the reaction. Take Care 😋