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psycho pass 18.mp4

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this was unexpected. 👍


I only watch the intro since I was about to go to sleep. You should prioritize you above all. One episode is perfectly fine. Thank you for coming up with a reaction even if things aren't the best right now.


Sucks to see you like this :/ hope you feel a bit better by now! What I liked about this episode a lot is that neither the story nor Kougami are making any excuses about what he's doing - yes, Makishima is dangerous, but the main reason he steps outside is that he doesn't want him to be arrested, but killed instead to get closure and end it for good, end of story...even if it goes against the rules & society would start crumbling if everyone did the same as him & sought justice like he did for himself/his dead friend.


I’ll second Radoras sentiment. It’s pain me to see you struggle. 🤗 I hope you feel better today. You seem better in the MiA video. You’ll get through this you always have. And you will come out stronger and more of the person you want to be.


Ok let's go into the reaction. Man the chief is so using Ginoza. They know what happen to Kagari they shoot him now they use his disappearance for leverage. 😤 “You should just disregard her order make it seem like you follow it but you don’t” 😋😉 Kogami has them figured out. When he said that Makishima must have work with someone in control of sybil and now they are even more obsessed with him.


The brain controlling Sybil will never let a court take place. That's like saying they can’t judge Makishima and the system is flawed. They made Ginoza delete that part from the report. “There is no real answer, you can only compromise.” Those are the hardest situation Yep Ginoza came up with a plan to make Kougami relevant by loaning him to another division. But it’s not going to be that easy the chief is on to them.


“Do any of them have a gun that not a dominator?” no it’s only dominator. They are the sybil so they can fuge the data however they want. Akane 🤩 “That dominator seem faulty sent it to maintenance immediately” 👍 We all know that it’s control by the sybil but Akane can act like she fully compliant when she is not. “Shoot the chief” Shooting her with a dominator will not do anything, Sybil control everything.


That quite a letter he wrote to Akane 🤗 After episode “You have to do what right for you and I have to do what right for me” 👍 Ok I think it’s an important episode. People are making decisions. Kogami stepped outside the law. And the chief showing a bit of their hand by manipulating the sybil. And Ginoza trying to get Kogami out and the girl in the lab letting him take the helmet then Masaoka lending him his safe house. Thank you for the reaction Take Care.