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overlord 4x03 pat.mp4

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Been waiting for this! Just have to wait till I finish work!


Hey! welcome back


shes back :O


🤣I just know Ainz’s fight is gonna last like a minute. I’m getting really curious about what demiurge is doing now, I’m wondering if this season it’ll just be to set-up some crazy stuff for season 5? 🤔 Also would the God-Kin be able to fight against one of the floor guardians? Or even Ainz if all of them worked together (assuming there’s more). I would think he would let the people of nazarick have the criminals? Since it is more acceptable to punish them lol, renner is just obsessed with climb that she’s willing to abandon her people I would say. Would be a lot more easier to conquer everyone lol, but wouldn’t be as entertaining 🤣. I would say Nix should support the sorcerer kingdom kingdom, since he’ll either die or live in prosperity. Or betray Ainz which would mean getting tortured or being used as experiments. Ainz at least would give them a quick death if they were useful. They’re scared of having another species as the ruler, because they themselves know how miserable it would be to be at the bottom. Because of how they treated other non-human species, and we never know 🤷🏻‍♂️the warrior king could kill Ainz; and the warrior kings is the tru protagonist lol.


Ok let's start with Overlord. I think it’s easier to handle than Classroom this week. That was a cute and funny flashback sending Albedo off. I don’t remember the god-kin at all. But in this anime Ainz is too OP for everyone. So The astrologer with PTSD. I would also be scared shitless If I witness the last battles at the end of S3. The worst case would be the 4 working together, Yep they are F*cked.


The emperor. I kind of feel bad for him. He can scheme all he wants and I think he’s not bad or evil. No one we have seen so far can do anything against the guardian and Ainz. In the cart when he let it all out. 🥺 He is desperate. I really didn’t expect Ainz to show up. I’m kind of suspicious on how Ainz knew all this. He seem clueless usually when it comes to the deeper plot but we'll see. Ainz showing up is the worst thing that could have happened to the emperor meeting with the theocracy. Well It’s good for Us I guess.


After episode Maybe he was so bored that he wanted to check out the coliseum. Yea that sound more like Ainz than him figuring everything out 🤣You live in harmoney and peace but you might get murder at night by one of his monster. 🤣 The Emperor doesn’t know the Sorcerer Kingdom very well, nobody does. They all have been in Nazareth since the beginning and only appear recently. So he can’t guess what their goal is. So I guess it’s normal that he try to get more allies on his side in case it doesn’t work out with Ainz. Ok Good episode. Ainz at the end completely surprised me. I wonder what the direction of this season will be. Well see you next time Take Care. 😋 I’m going to watch Classroom reaction now. 👍


"I’m getting really curious about what demiurge is doing now" Movie or next season should be awesome, if they don't mess it up. "Also would the God-Kin be able to fight against one of the floor guardians? Or even Ainz if all of them worked together (assuming there’s more)." There are 3 if I recall, we only know of 2. If all 3 work together and I take the more generous estimate of their power, they could maybe fight a guardian evenly. More likely than not, they would still lose.