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PSYCHO 12-13.mp4

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double :O you the best!


Double Psycho Pass 😱 I'll have to catch up so knowing me in about 2 hours for full comment 😋


nice double upload😀👍. won't be able to watch until later tonight. after the last haikyuu episode i had to go to my brothers place and grill up some steaks 🥩🤤


Double upload. Do what you can. We know you have a lot going on. Don’t force it. Quality over quantity. And when you can’t you can’t [Episode 12] Back Story on the girl enforcer Yayoi 👍 This one reveals a lot about the society.[She look younger] Well she was younger 😅 Latent criminal therapies. It doesn’t look like there are a lot of therapies. It seems like a lifetime prison for me. You get all this nice PR view where we only paralised people with slightly elevated crime coefficients and take care of them but the reality looks like where Yayoi is living in the flashback.


In addition to being in prison you have to listen to ads about how the sybil system is wonderful. Would drive me crazy and even worse criminal coefficient. When you get upset they gas you 😒 Hah Strong passion for art, something capable of moving people, gets your hue clouded. What kind of asseptisised society is that? No wonder people mentally let go and become vegetable with no will. Anything with a bit of drive and passion gets you flags.


[I wonder if it’s common for the latent criminal to be very intelligent] Well they are not neutered so it might have something to do with it. 😅 I mean completely passive only accepting what the sybil tell them is acceptable. They just told us that almost no one returns from those rehabilitation sessions. Great system 😒 So everyone that has a bit of passion that think a bit for them self get into rehabilitation for life or until they get crazy enough to get executed.


[The hostage is in the way. Her crime coefficient is already at 98 practically a latent criminal] 😤 That how they think. The victim is in a lot of stress. She is a criminal anyway, let's just shoot her. 😤 [comment about racism] It’s true that a system at least is not racist. They treat everyone the same. LGBTQ I don’t know yet if it would raise your crime coefficient. 😅 Ok I’m not being fair but you never know with this system that the wrong kind of music can elevate your crime coefficient.


[What society I prefer] Well you know from my comment that I don’t like the sybil system but on the other hand I don’t have to deal with the worst of our society, Black lives Matters etc since I’m not Black so I don’t get discriminated against. I may be more inclined to embrace a system with less racism if it affect me more. But I feel that the sybil system neuter anyone with any kind of passion so.


[Most people die from natural cause] Well they been saying that the life expectensy has been decreasing so most people die from apathy create by the sybil system. Yayoi did shot her friend, well the gun didn’t work but she intended to shoot.


I understand her friend trying to do something to change. I don’t think it going to change much. In fact I have no idea how or what will change the society, They got molotov but the crime they commited is braking scanner. So they try to fight the system without too much victims but I don’t think it’s very effective in changing anything. So ok why she want to become an enforcer. To get Rina? To put her in a permanant therapy session like she was in? Ok Episode 12 done. Be right back with episode 13 Hopefully it won't be too long. See you soon 😋


The thing about the Sibyl system is it is incredibly effective. Imagine a headline today, Japan reduced crime by 97% - you might think well damn they have it all figured out. The remaining 3% is where all the action is and the stories we follow. Sibyl is an overwhelming success even if it's not perfect.


[Episode 13] Well Gino father is a latent criminal wasn’t he. One of the earlier one I think. So that one reason why talkng to him might not lower his criminal coefficient. “It’ impossible to make everyone happy unless everyone was brainwash” 😅 See what you did here. Everyone Brainwash 😇


[The most imporatnt thing is not that it functions perfectly, But people continue to believe that it does] That why they hide everything wrong. The system is perfect. People are taken care of. They get rehabilitaed 😒 Yea right. [Specimen case] He’s not Makishima. They got him and he is dead. Well officially missing but practically dead. EDIT: I don’t know if he’s dead or not but I assumed he is. But your idea on experimenting on him might be better.


[Resubmitting the report] Yep that what this whole thing about. You can’t have a report saying that the system is flawed and failed to capture Makihisma I didn’t think about keeping the asymtomatic lock away to experiement on them. Might be useful to perfect the Sybil system. But it’s really dangerous if he can escape. Or If the information is leak out that they are people working with asymtomatic.


You are being unfair to Kougami. He always show that he care much more than just capturing Makishima. He never let his “obsession” of Makishima cloud his judgement or affect how he care about people. Ginoza redeem himself a bit in this episode after being an ass last few episode. He defended Akane and worries about her in the photolift thing. I wasn’t the one reliving the memory and I felt my criminal coefficient rising 😅


Makishima has the exact same face and expresison from Akane memory and his ID card in the the schools 😅 [Masaoka/Ginoza] Nope I really didn’t see that coming. So much that it took me a minute for it to click so much I didn’t believe it at first.


[After episode] Masaoka, Just to say that I agree compleatly with what you said about Masaoka. 👍 “In this society the people that are happy and content is the highest it has ever been” Is it tho. The system hide every flaw. It wouldn’t look too good if they show there were discontent in the society. Eveyone that is discontant is flag so people will hide their discontentment. The life expectency has lower because people loose the will to live. If you have less people that die by murder but more peopel that die by loosing the will to live and by sybil crime coefficient does it make a better society. Because they must present the sybil as a perfect system I’m sure the number of arrested and on reabilitaion is not quite easy to get, And do they stop being count as citizen, So they are laten criminal. That a way to up your percentage of happy people if you remove all the unhappy with high criminal coefficient from your statistic, I woundn’t put it pass them to do so.


Critizied the system I think it’s the point of the show. They keep showing how flaw the system is. So that the point of the show. “That what the best for most people” That what they keep telling themselve. I’m not sure I believe it. Ok Thank you for a great reaction and well thought review. Always a pleasure to watch. Take Care. 😋


Yes at the end of the day it's up to whether we think whether this is worth giving up a lot of things we value today. I'd say the opinion is split


The old lady made a perfect point there. It's not about whether it works well, it's about people believing that it does. Isn't it just like our current system? If you look carefully you'll notice things are barely keeping together but many people still believe that the system is better than ever, or that changes are not needed. You also made a great point on this Lexie. As soon as enough people stop believing, all hell will break loose. It would be carnage and chaos spread through society.


The system is manageable if almost everyone believe in it. Just imagine what would happen if a significant portion of the population rebel and there is a great protest. All hell breaks loose because they are all Latent criminal at the protest. You can't just shoot them it will create even more protesters


if you ask me there is no way in hell i would ever want to live in a society with the sibyl system. yes, the system does prevent crime before it even happens but at the cost of the freedom of innocent people. taking away their freedom to even think and we got people here that aren't allowed to play certain music. there's no way the sibyl system can actually see into the future. just because someone is marked as a latent criminal because a number changed doesn't mean that person will actually go out and commit crimes. i agree with what that one girl said, this is a form of slavery. they act upon what the system allows. the more i watch the more im starting to agree with the criminals minus the killings ofcourse. i guess if i lived in a society like this they'd be coming for me next. i do agree that the system can eliminate racism and other factors but i also think that this system would probably end the whole racist cop thing when we get alot more people of color being killed because of a psycho pass. at that point it would be cops acting upon what the sibyl system orders them to do. i would still take human judgement over the sibyl system. you can get out of trouble and maybe save your own life by fooling another person but you will never fool the system, unless you're makishima. even though I'm completely against the sibyl system and just watching people not be allowed to go as they please really pisses me off, i really like this show. these two episodes were really good. that reveal at the end really took me by surprise i was not expecting massoka to be ginozas father. im not one to leave a long comment but this show really gets to me. it's 6am and i need to get a few hours of sleep in for later today.  thank you for the double upload but remember not to stress over uploading double episodes every time. have a happy 4th of July and stay safe out there. i'll se you on your next reaction. looked it up and the book "heart of darkness" is in fact a real book.