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psycho pass 11 pat.mp4

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leave the bug alone. it's only minding it's own bug business 🤣🤣


i will admit, I'd probably have the same reaction as you did if it was a roach. i have this fear of roaches that it's even funny to me. the bigger they are the worse. and when they get to flying size that's when the guns come out. i gotta stop thinking about this, it's only giving me the heebie jeebies.


ok, this episode was crazy. his psycho pass got down to zero. this guy really is insane, or maybe he's not. there's gotta be more to him. i think the majority of people would have taken the shot with the rifle to save the girl. i know i would have. these people have just been under the control of the sibyl system they must go by what it says. they don't know how to go by their own free will. it did show a low score on him and maybe going against it on her own free will could have changed hers. but if she did use the rifle, would that have been on her. even though she knows what he's done before and was about to kill her friend. i really don't know what to say. this show is above me. if you think you're dumb for this show i think i would give you a run for your money. just saying.


it kind of supports his point though - people in their day & age do NOTHING out of their own choice anymore, they let the system choose for them & just go with it, letting it decide their whole lives ...and when confronted with a situation that the system doesn't work in, they bluescreen and don't do anything


yeah i support his point as well, doing things by your own free will but just up to that point. im not a fan of the sibyl system and i do believe this system is the problem in this story.


That's a point that will be reinforced throughout the show I guess - people in that world completely submit to the system in exchange for an objective, unbiased judgement, but in turn never learn to have any agency of their own. Now the point you make "a person should judge" is a good start - quite a lot of the current problems WE have in OUR world is precisely because of that - you always get some judgement, but there are so many factors (e.g. racism, classism, xenophobia...) that aren't an issue with an artificial system if they aren't part of the equation Sybil has huge flaws, but on the other hand youl'll never have e.g. racist cops who shoot people of color in a trafic control for no reason I just think there is no perfect system & we just have to decide which flaws we can tolerate more


I think you can leave psycho pass at the regular tier, and either do gintama for the drama club or seraph? Not too sure either. I probably would’ve taken the shot, I just don’t like that akane decided to be an inspector, without knowing what the job will ask of you. It’s like choosing to be a doctor, but not being able to handle blood lol. Like the job needs people to make those decisions to keep the public safe, otherwise don’t go into that line of work lol. Akane has been letting the sybil system decide everything, now faced with having to make that decision herself. Actually killing someone by her own will she couldn’t do it, it takes a lot to be able to do it. Even my prof said if you wanna carry a firearm you have to prepared to look someone in the eye and kill them otherwise don’t carry a firearm. Carry a non-lethal weapon, akane is not use to making those decisions not sure if any the inspectors would be able to they reply on the system to decide what’s right and wrong. Humans are biased, using a machine with no bias eliminates human error, but there’s certain things only humans can do that machines can’t. The system judges people’s state of mind, and or how their body is at the moment. Someone who isn’t affected by killing other people, or sees nothing wrong with it might fly under the radar. Not entirely sure. You’re not dumb at all, you’re too good at predictions sometimes. Like unnaturally good at it lol, as soon as everything clicks you can figure stuff out.


Burn the bug. 🔥 Be careful not to burn down the house. But definitely bug spray 😇 It’s nice that they could send the gun before. I guess the exit wasn’t blocked. Bug really mess you up 🥺 You did great sticking to the reaction 🤗


[The story when cyborg was young] That where the cyborg guy get his trill when there are gore and death surrounding him [Kogami getting shot] It’s just movie magic where people get shot and still run around 😄 [Akane’s friend] You were great Kougami I almost want to be a latent criminal 😁


Precisely the charm of Makishima, he might be insane but he has solid points. Also another thing, how do you define who a criminal is now? Makishima has a clean psycho pass even when he is committing atrocities, does that mean everything he does is justified because the system wasn't against it?


[Makishima taking Akane’s friend away] Now the most profound part of the episode coming 😮 [I don’t think they are going to be able to save her –Lexie] I was wondering if they were going to go there. In the end. At this part of the show I still thought they could keep her alive. Masaoka did well hitting Kougami. He’s in no state to pursuit.


[Akane meeting Makishima] Well he is way ahead of the game and he likes to play so that is why he said his name also he got the info that they knew the name. [Akane telling Makishima that he committed a lot of crime] But you see in this society there is no trial, no finding proof, nothing other than the sybil and dominator. “And how do you define crime to start with?” – Makishima. Exactly Dominator determines criminal and according to it he’s not.


I’ve been saying since the beginning that the sybil system doesn’t scan for crime. They scan for something that is correlated to high crime but not actual criminal intent. Like stress level or some other factor. Makishima is just not stressed nor feeling guilty nor anything so the system doesn’t find the thing associated with high crime coefficient. I think a good way to see it is someone that is amoral and a psychopath. In his mind he’s not doing anything wrong and not harming anyone so the mind scan can’t find anything wrong with him.


[You people can’t measure my sins] that is where the flaw is. They measured something that is usually associated with sins but not the actual sins. That is why a kid like the red hair enforcer was tagged as a latent criminal even when he did nothing. They don't measure his sins. They measured something else that elevated him, making him live trapped all his life.


Never shoot a gun (with gunpowder) holding it with one hand and closing your eyes. Well not a lot of chances to hit the target this way. Even if she was pointing in the good direction it’s going to recoil out of target. She was totally unprepared for this. Nobody in this society is. Also the gun has two bullets so shot twice then it’s empty you have to reload.


Any normal persone would be so fuck up by this experience. I was saying she was totally unprepared for this. The sybil system has been in place for a long time now so Akane lived in a society where it’s just the dominator gun that determined nobody shoots with gunpowder. Nothing has prepared her to shoot and kill by her own choice. And there is the shock value of a system that you relied 100% on for your life and safety completely failed.


[After episode] A computer is not qualified to tell if someone is a good person or not. Well that is the whole sybil system and the foundation on what this society is built on. The computer tell you if your a criminal deserving to live or not and tell you what job you should have


She did shoot but with her eyes closed not holding the gun properly and wasting the only 2 bullets and she didn’t have any other bullet to reload. Her whole education and environment is against her. In the previous episode they say that the school system stops teaching how to profile since it gets people cloudy. So I’m sure knowing how to shoot a gun that is not a dominator gets people cloudy so they certainly didn’t teach how to shoot properly. More and more the school teaches you to rely on the system and everything that can help you have judgement is removed from the teaching because if you have too much critical thinking you're getting cloudy.


Yea that the definition of an amoral psychopath. Makishima doesn’t have the normal reaction that the sybil detects and can judge the crime rate. Don’t sell yourself short. You get way more than you give yourself credit for and way more than many people. Great episode and great reaction. I like it much more than I thought I would. Also don’t worry about not getting overlord. I don't get it either. 😅 Take care. 😋


I 100% would've taken the shot not just because that's the worst criminal ever existed since the invention of the sybil system, but also my friend is about to get her throat slit open by him. The fact that Akane couldn't bring herself to do so without the system telling her is precisely why I've been saying she is not a good inspector. Gino let alone Kougami and the other enforcers would've opened fire immediately. But then again that kind of thinking might get my psycho pass corrupted if I was ever there in that society


@Swan "Then Again that kind of thinking might get my psycho pass corrupted" This just got me thinking. This society select for people having low cloudiness. The one that has any ability to act and kill will be push out into therapy and ostracized from the society. The one that are really docile and has clear hue will have great Psycho Pass 🤔 One exception is Makishima. So all the inspector that could easily kill Makishima would never got into a position to be able to do so because Sybil would have tag them as latent criminal. 🤔


yeah that's definitely the negative effect of Sybil system, or worse, our current society in general. A lot of the general public's atmosphere and the education we have today breeds weakness quite frankly. It does not encourage people to fight back for what they believe in because that's bad for controlling. Governments don't like smart civilians.