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PSYCHO 9.mp4

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An other double upload 🤩 I'm off to watching Haikyuu First. 👋


I feel like if kougami would get over makishima he probably could lower his hue, and be able to return to society. He’s just too fixated on capturing makishima by any means necessary he’ll even commit crimes himself. He needs to have an enforcer with him in order to leave the building he’s in, he could be using akane to move around as well as get more info. Also I wonder if they even get any training before being hired? Akane has no knowledge of the job, I wonder if that’s because they don’t want the enforcers hue to change? Even know there’s a stigma about having a family member being a criminal, especially if their crime is something serious like murder. Makishima is doing this for entertainment, and manipulation or murder just happens to be what he enjoys the most lol. It’s probably the only thing he finds joy in, a lot of serial killers start with animals but after killing people they can’t go back.


[Episode Starting they listen to the recording] At least they have proof that there is a mastermind behind this and it’s Makishima. [Gino being sorry] Well He doesn’t show this side of him. 👍 [The cyborg guy] We didn’t know he was a cyborg at first so yea his face is unsettling . I really don’t like when he said that human was created in god's image and it’S time we become god. When people start to think themself as god I don’t know what to think about cybernization. I haven’t give it enough tough to have a discussion about it.


[Akane and Kougami trip back discussion about university and sybil] That one thing with the sybil system. It’s all about hue. As soon as soon as you deviated from the vanilla life the system has for you it cloud your hue. So they abolish profiling and I’m sure a lot of other stuff we don’t know about.


[Makishima and the cyborg(I don’t remember his name)] There is something I have been wondering about. Does a society that is really oppressive incide some criminals to go to the extreme? Because they seek their trill outside the law then when you're outside the law well might as well go to the extreme. Or it doesn't really change anything? In the cyborg case he want to find a way to get his mind challenge to stay young mentally. I guess he couldn't find way inside this society and decide that killing people was the best way. I’m not saying in our society he would not have become a murderer still. That why I’m not sure about this line of thought.


[Cyborg vs Kougami] My guess and that is a total guess is Kougumi will defeat this guy and Makishima knows it. So It’s not throwing a bone to the cyborg. Is finding the next level of challenge for Kougumi and discarding the cyborg when he will eventually failed but in the meantime it’s a great way to keep Makishima entertained.


[Gino blowing out after Kougami/Akane] I’m proud of Akane for standing up for herself. While I get why Gino is the way he is and why he can’t let go. I think the way he behave would have badly impact someone less strong than Akane. [Gino father and Kougami betraying Gino] I guess that from Gino point of view but I strongly disagree Is the system that flawed. “You made it too much about yourself and not enough about them” 👍Exactly. I couldn't agree more.


[After Show] [Kougami Akane relationship] I guess for now I still trust Kougami for whatever reason but 🤗 I’m glad you look out for Akane. 🤗 [Gino] I think his way of treating the enforcer is his defense mechanism. If he see them as tools and not as human he think he will not be drag down into high criminal coefficient. That doesn’t make it right. In fact it’s really wrong but that how Gino cope. [Makishima] I guess for him is just putting peoples against each other the one that failed will disappoint him. Like the Murderer girl said to the cyborg last episode. One day you will be discarded too. So to Makishima. It’s just pawns for his entertainment I guess. Ok shorter discussion this time but great nonetheless. Take Care 😋