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I’m uploading the fixed link now. I forgot to mute the second audio of the video. Oops!

The video should be done uploading to mega in 30 mins. Once it’s uploaded I’ll change the link here and send out a notification to everyone! 😁



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Raul Iggynashow

Notice Suzaku is the narrator for this episode.


Next episode is fiiiire!


Thanks for having a Google Drive link! Very helpful


Regarding Light having multiple sides to him. I think the real him is just Kira at this point. At one point some episodes ago he was even thinking "I need to act how Light Yagami would act in this situation". That implies that he identifies as Kira and not as Light. Lelouch is a different story, he is actually a pretty complex and multi-layered character


If you go back to episode 18, Schniezel was smiling when Suzaku fired the FLEJA. He definitely does not care. Lelouch was so badass in this episode. One of the best scenes in the entire anime. Really looking forward to the next reaction


Hmm is it just me or was something pretty different about the anime audio than usual?


C2's memories have actually completely returned already. You can see that when they were talking inside the Knightmare


The thing with Anya's sudden problems (and her memory issues) actually makes sense now! Whenever Anya was fighting C2 or Lelouch directly in close combat, Marianne would interfere to protect them Oh and: I know you try not to rewatch scenes during the reaction, but for the next episode it really may be necessary and make sense to do it, because at one point there is a ton of important information that we all probably don't want to miss


Note that Suzaku was actually taking credit for firing the warhead and demanding to become the Knight of One because of that "gread deed". No wonder some of them hate him now Gino is kinda what Suzaku used to be. "The ends don't justify the means". It's wrong to kill the emperor even if he sucks, because it's against the rules. An interesting contrast


Are you uploading episode 21 this week?


Y honestly episode 21 has to be one of the best episodes of the show excluding the last episode


Links not working? (Edit) Got my answer lol


Just thought of an interesting detail in this episode: C2 said "there is something I can't leave behind" before leaving with Marianne. Then we see them in the Knightmare and C2 has her teddy bear pillow thingie with her. So that's the thing she couldn't leave behind. Kinda cute :)


You're right, he snapped at this point. The man tried all his life to live up to his principles and yet almost nothing ever went his way, being forced to kill millions with a FLEJA did it for him. Suzaku has now thrown away his code and pursues the end goal he always wanted without any restrictions on himself, the same way Lelouch did all this time, their ideals are now in line.


Fun fact: Marianne the flash is the previous Knight of One before Bismarck and a living legend in Britannia for her unrivaled strength


You're not exactly wrong for thinking Schneizel that way at the moment, we don't know the full depths of his character yet not even till now. Just sit tight and see for yourself later :)


"That went by so fast!" Yeah, this last set of episodes often feels like a bullet train zooming towards the finale. And it's gonna be grand.


When Suzaku has a mental breakdown, he snaps and goes insane. When Lelouch has a mental breakdown, he becomes an even bigger ham and just styles on everyone.


lol i like how when ohgi was like "we dont need zero no more. ppl arent game pieces" .... next scene lelouch "yall are my slaves now !" also lloyd warned nina of the results beforehand, i forgot which episode but he told her she aint ready for it. that means nina, as bad as she was, did have a heart but she just didnt understand how devastating her weapon is. thats quite normal among those who create weapons but never actually been through battle. the damage of the fleija in actual combat just flew over her head and all she thought about was how it will kill zero with its destructive power. she didnt count up for civilian deaths, which tbh it wasnt supposed to fire INTO the tokyo settlement either. it was unfortunate that suzaku fired in kallen's direction which was facing the center of the city at the time.


Indeed! Btw I always read your comments with Suzaku's voice in my head. Oh and I think I haven't seen you on the discord


omg thank you for giving another way to watch the reaction. mega link for some reason takes so much data to watch and sometimes buffers. thank you so much.


One parallell I somehow see between Suzaku, C.C. & Lelouche is that all of them keep going even if their original reason are gone. Suzaku - fought for Britannia because "you have to do it the right way" & refused Zero's offer to join forces...now he only cares about results. C.C. - the whole point in supporting Charles/ Marianne & later Lelouche was to get her Deathwish fulfilled...now it seems like she doesn't want to die anymore Lelouche - always planned ahead becaues he wanted to create a better world for Nunally...now she's gone & he just wants to ruin his fathers plan, trap himself with him for eternity & doesn't care about the world anymore.