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I apologize for the inconvenience, I am going through some personal issues right now. I will try to have the new video up Sunday or Monday.

I may make a video about it later this week, if you guys are interested. I’m just really going through a tough time right now.



No problem, see you soon




Just take your time and post whenever. You are more important and besides your content is worth the wait.


Don't sweat it! If you got stuff to deal with, that's it, no questions asked; just hope, whatever it is, you get through it & feel better soon. If you want to share anything about it, we'd be glad to listen, but no pressure! ♥

Raul Iggynashow

Some advise. If you're single & make under $30k, it would be a good time to apply for low income government health insurance like Obamacare or Medi-cal. You can see medical specialists for your OCD or get other counseling services at little to no cost for you.


Hmm is she economically stressed? Relationship stressed? OCD stressed? Either way life problems are a pain in the ass