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"How do you know the real Kira wouldn't have gone?" That's not what he's saying. He's just saying that it's suspicious that a message from the Second Kira shows up saying "I found you", that was sent the day after _Light_ was in one of the places mentioned in the itinerary. It's suspicious to L that the Second Kira wants to publish a message to meet up with the real Kira in a few possible places and dates, and then the day after his primary Kira suspect is in one of those places on the matching day, the Second Kira sends a new message saying "nvm we cool". When he said "the real Kira wouldn't go" earlier in the episode, he meant the real Kira wouldn't go to the Dome on the 30th, the most obvious meeting date that the police absolutely would figure out and trap. And he's right about that; Light would not touch that place with a ten-foot pole if he was acting independently as Kira. L knows Kira well enough to know he's intelligent enough to not walk into a setup like that; he doesn't know if the Second Kira is the same.


"Something happened to make her like this, what the fuck happened to make HIM like this?" Now THAT's an interesting question, one that I love how this show explores.


Gotta hand it to her, she's smarter than I thought...lying in wait to see who's name she can't see, get information after getting his name & face and then contacting him aside from the mentioned locations & dates, without the police getting a hint & was aware of the fingerprints...but on the other hand, she didn't think far enough (or was too impatient) to wait with sending the message until the dome-date had passed, so she still allowed them to narrow it down...but if he found a way she would (worst case) even kamikaze-attack L; just straightwalking up to him, look up his name & write it on a deahtnote-scrap right there EDIT: also seems like Rem knows at least a bit more about Death Notes than Ryuk, since she was aware that Death Note user's lifespans were obscured and he wasn't; wonder what other tricks she has up her sleeve