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Heartfelt points you brought up there, we do appreciate things more knowing they will all end someday. A thing isn't beautiful because it lasts, everyone should live the best they can until the end comes, then they can say their life wasn't wasted.

Raul Iggynashow

Fans are here to see your honest reactions whatever they may be. Like when those old men from the geass order died in the last episode. Whether your reaction was to cry or to laugh, don't hold back for the sake of political correctness because there's no right or wrong reaction just your unique reaction.


You are correct about V.V. The Emperor didn't kill him directly by taking his Code (like he would not kill C.C. in an instant by that) away. I bet C.C. was talking to already dead V.V. Seems like V.V. died from his wounds. C.C. was a slave, then became loved by everyone with false love, then she was betrayed by person she only trusted to. After that she gain immortality Code. As you can see Charlie doesn't have geass now. V.V. and C.C. I beleive also lost their power of the geass when they gain the Code Geass. So this religion, which was mentioned by C.C. started to collapse somehow with her powers gone (that's only my guess!). So that's why in season 1x25 you can see people throwing rocks at the geass sign (once again, my guess only, but I can't find better explanation for that scene). And they even burnt her like a witch (1x25 memories). She was tortured, she was killed again and again. She can not be killed for real but that doesn't mean she can't feel pain. Even now the show starts with her being transported like an object. I assume she has plenty of reasons to want to die. Great reaction by the way) And take care of yourself! P.S. Hope you get me, my English is pretty bad(

Raul Iggynashow

If Nunnaly is holding your hand she seems to be a human lie detector. LOL


Can we just stop talking abot the ending so she will find out by herself?

Raul Iggynashow

Lil Lex is sure CG will have a good ending? Where is that coming from? You keep mentioning all that Lelouch has lost in his mom, Euphy, Nunnaly's legs & sight, Suzaku as a best friend & Shirley. Now C2 has lost her memories so essentially Lelouch has just lost the old C2 he knows. Plus you predicted Rolo will try to kill Nunnaly. What if Rolo is successful? You want the lovebirds Ohgi and Villeta to get together and together they are falling off a cliff to potential death. Lulu's new general Xing-ke is dying. Suzaku discovered the entire OSI was under geass so basically Lelouch's days at the high school are done. If Lelouch wins in the end but everyone he cares for around him has died, even Nunnaly would you call that a happy ending? CG is a dark show and may yet have a dark ending. Hell now Nina's nuke is hanging over the entire show's head.

Raul Iggynashow

Nina's nuke is more deadly than Light's Death Note. Plus nukes exist in real life and Death Notes don't.


I think you need to doubt what Lelouch says more often. He is pretty much a liar and probably often doesn't believe in the things he says. Obviously the things about him only caring about territory and followers are lies. When we hear his true thoughts we know he is doing it for Nunnally and to avenge his mother's death/find out more about her death. The one consistent thing is that he doesn't really share his true feelings / true intentions with many characters, and he can even get us as viewers fooled about it


Well good ending doesn't mean happy ending. I think by "good" she just means "well-made" which is very reasonable.


My guess is that somehow her memories were "reset" to when she received her Geass from the nun, with all the talk about him being her "master" and talking about the labour she could do for him. Interesting predictions for the ending, let's see how many of your guesses we can check of the list when it's all over^^ I'm honestly puzzled about how the hell you don't have many friends; you seem like such a smart, charming person; like with how thoroughly you think through about all those shows, your sense of morality (like in the Tanya-reactions), you geeking out about all the cute animals (e.g. cat in Code Geass, Konosuba)... it's sad to hear that you sometimes think you just want to die with your OCD everyday, but for whatever it's worth: I would be sad & miss your videos if you weren't around anymore!


One little facet of C.C. that this reveals: the fact that, because of the Nun, she refuses to trick someone into taking her place, even if it would wind up granting her dearest wish, AND she wouldn't have to deal with the consequences(because she'd be dead). Now, go back to Mao. He was stronger with his Geass than Lelouch. I think he did have the power to take C.C.'s Code; however, by the time that came about, C.C. had realized that he would NEVER willingly do so. And in her final words to him, she admits, "I did love you, Mao." She couldn't bring herself to kill him back then, but couldn't stay with a Contractor that would not fulfill the contract and end her life. And she refused to become like the Nun and trick him into doing so. So she left him. That's a scary thought, though; imagine a Mao who HAD been tricked into taking C.C.'s Code. An immortal Mao who was tricked into killing the target of his obsession.


And one more kick in the balls from the Universe to Lelouch, this one a double-feature: The father he wants to kill more than anything is now immortal, AND C.C., the one who gave him the power, who promised to always be at his side, his confidant and accomplice, is gone. All that's left is the slave girl she used to be before Geass ever touched her. Meanwhile, there's trouble within the ranks of the Black Knights, with the squad he took with him shocked and having second thoughts at Zero ordering a massacre, and the Deputy Commander going off a cliff with an enemy fighter. On the opposing side, Nina, with the help of Schneizel and his research team, have completed F.L.E.I.J.A, a Sakuradite-powered super-nuke. Little Nina's discoveries and experiments in the first season have paid off for Britannia.