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Headon is the admin(guardian) of the first floor. There is an admin(guardian) on every floor.


Ok so if Bam wins, he’ll be the new admin for this floor, or will he just earn the right to make a request?

Lich King

even if Bam wanted to save the dude he wouldn't have been albe to do squat against Yu Han Sung. The dude is an Advanced Ranker


They haven't even mentioned such a thing in anime I beleive. I mean about rankers, advanced rankers and high rankers.


You do not become a god when you get to the current top of the tower. Every ranker we've run into so far is evidence to that point.

Lich King

Well, compared to a Regular any normal Ranker is closer to a god than a normal human (taking as an example gods like the norse or the roman gods that were powerful but not allmighty)


Ofc it was figuratively. But they are "gods" for other people in the Tower. For people who haven't climbed. Ranker is like waaaay stronger than normal human and can live thousans of years due to shinsu.


Again, writing this as I watch your discussion part. To start with, Khun and Hoh. No, Khun did not write that letter that got Hoh to try to kill Rachel. What you saw in the episode was him finding the letter, copying it in his bag, then placing it back where he found it. When he spoke to Quant during the test, he was saying Hoh was gonna pull something. In the WEBTOON, this part is more in depth. Khun’s full blood sister was on track to be chosen as a princess, but Khun helped his half sister become chosen instead. Then she abandoned him. When they said “you can become a god” that is not literal. You only become so powerful that to everyone else you may as well be a god. And no one grants you that power, you just have to be that powerful to make it to the top alive. Then you get a wish from King Jahad. I mentioned this in a response before I watched your reaction but I’ll go through the “ranks” of people in the tower. At the bottom there are the regulars, the people climbing the tower for whatever reason. Then you have Guides, Yuri’s friend Evan is a Guide, they know all the paths in the tower and can take you wherever you need to go, even if you don’t know that’s where you need to be. Then you have rankers. People who have made it to the top. As a rule, every floor has an Administrator, they are closer to godhood than any ranker is because they can freely control the shinsu on each floor. Admins have the right to choose a Ranker to rule their respective floor for them, these are Rulers. Evankhell is the ruler of the Floor of Test that Bam and company is on. Each Ruler has the right to chose Rankers to work as Test Administrators, the people who run the tests for the regulars. A piece of Tower lore for you, Jahad and the founders of the ten great families are all Irregulars. They were the first to climb the tower and took their tests from the Administaror’s themselves. Irregulars are people outside the whole system and are so powerful that every Irregular has up to now has actually caused a great calamity in the tower. That’s why they are hated and/or feared by most. Coffee turtle = Hansung Yu Basically Bam is just asking the Admin to give them a test that Rachel can take part in. Functionally, it’ll accomplish the same thing as Hansung Yu’s test would’ve but Rachel can join in this one. Great reaction, hope any of this stuff helped.


Neither of you are wrong in the comparison, but I'm responding in regards to how Awake tends to use the phrase in her reactions. The journey to the top is what gives these rankers their power, not the simple act of reaching it.


Ok so it’s figuratively, like you have the “power of god”. I guess the power of a god is subjective.

Lich King

yeah, but it's not her fault since the anime didn't really explain that well due to the cuts they had to make in order to cram the whole first season in 13 episodes


Hense the clarification. I really try not spoil anything, but I think this point is important enough to make. And I don't think I've really spoiled anything in my attempts. It's nobodies fault here. Just incentive for the production company to slow down with season 2, although I doubt much will change.

Lich King

the problem is going for the 13 episodes formula for this. Tower of God is so complex and full of intresting lore that they should have made it in a long series like Naruto or One Piece


"Ok so it’s figuratively, like you have the “power of god”. I guess the power of a god is subjective. " Rankers are different when it comes to power levels. Its figuratively in general, but some rankers are... Well, very, very strong.


Jace the real MVP of the comments. Really well thought out and informative piece here.


Appreciate it Tyler. I’ve been reading the WEBTOON for years and I’m really happy to flesh out anything that needs answers each week.


Well, Jace. "Then you get a wish from King Jahad." that's not true. This was never stated. Where did you even get this info? "Then you have Guides" that's absolutly wrong. Guides can be rankers (Evan) or regulars. The "guide" title itself has nothing to do with strength.


I’m gonna try to work with only the info that has been given in the show and where the webtoon would be in relation to the show to answer. At the very beginning, Headon states that whatever you want is at the top of the tower. A wish is a desire or hope for something to happen, Rachel’s wish is to see the stars. Her theory is that if she makes it to the top of the tower her wish will be granted. Due to lots of things that haven’t been revealed I can’t say much more than at the current point in the webtoon, it has been established that Jahad is powerful enough to grant any wish. Not to mention someone earns something from someone for retrieving some items with a weird fish thing. Trying really hard not to spoil anything. So wishes are not off the table, they are entirely possible. I will admit no one said the word “wish” as far as I know during the floor of test but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. When I gave the titles and stuff, that was more distinguishing roles than strength. I separated Guides from regulars and rankers due to their incredibly specific roles in guiding people down specific paths, and some other things they can do, again trying not to spoil anything. I’m going to be completely honest, you response came off kinda snarky, and I’m annoyed that I feel the need to defend the information I gave because nothing was technically wrong, and I was trying to operate in the limits of what the show has presented at this point. I can’t even properly defend myself here because I’m afraid I’d spoil more than I might have already. I hope this satisfies you sire, I apologize for not adding five more paragraphs to explain the nuances of all my statements. I’ll try to be better next time.


"nothing was technically wrong" the part about Jahad and wishes is very wrong. " it has been established that Jahad is powerful enough to grant any wish" that's some bullshit. Yes, he is powerfull as fuck but it was never stated about Jahad granting wishes to anyone. Better to say that the Tower grants the wish. Yep, guiding is like special ability. But they can be both rankers or regulars. How do you separate them when they are regulars and rankers? I can't get it. "When I gave the titles and stuff, that was more distinguishing roles than strength." don't you know then that roles (specialization) for rankers and regulars are the same? It was shown in ep 5 or 6 I believe. Only powers and titles are different (regular can't be test director and so on). To clarify the situation you should explain the official ranking system not your own. "Not to mention someone earns something from someone for retrieving some items with a weird fish thing." I get what are you talking about here but there is absolutely no connection between this and Headon's words about wishes.


I don’t know why but my reply isn’t saving or something. It’s almost 5 in the morning for me and I’ve wasted more than 2 hours on this stupid argument. If you wanna hear my response I have it saved on my notepad, but honestly I don’t care. I’m sorry nothing I said held up to your scrutiny. I separated guides because every guide, as far as I’m aware comes from one of two species. Evan is a silver dwarf. Blah blah blah, yada yada. Good night and good morning.


There are a lot of species in the Tower. Some of them posseses some abilities. But there is no point to separate them from ranking system. You can differentiate population in the Tower by rankings(residents-regulars-rankers), by abilities(guides or non guides, some yet to come), by roles (specialization: fisherman, scout, light bearer ... and so on) etc. But pls do not mix this.