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Orochimaru has a giant snake 😳

What Raye did was right, she can't/shouldn't have a discussion with her husband about the kira case because it's a top-secret FBI case. Even the Japanese police didn't know about this investigation. Just because she was a former officer and she wants to help and she's smart (maybe even more than him) doesn't justify sharing secret case information with someone not on the case. I'll extend an olive branch to you, maybe he could've worded it better for you but other than that she has nothing to do with the kira case UNLESS she joins the FBI again and gets assigned the kira case.


Yes I know that. I know it’s against the rules. But don’t you think catching a killer should take priority over sharing not case information with your spouse because it’s against the rules?


I 100% agree that Ryuk is by far the best character. As the viewer I have a lot in common with him in the regard where I just want to be entertained that the wacky antics of Light. Did not know Raye had such a fan following but I don't think there is any fault for disliking him. Regardless of his intentions or how poorly he worded his logic for wanting to keep Misora safe, he was shown to be the lest observant one when compered to his female partner and for both their sake he could of maybe listened to some of her ideas before dismissing them. Maybe he could of mitigated some of the damage caused by Kira's actions . I understand the argument that Raye telling his fiance anything related to the Kira case not only puts her in harm but also goes against his training as an agent but at the very minimum he should of told SOMEBODY he works with that he showed his badge to a person who is being investigated of killing people with just a face and a name. He was sloppy no matter how you dice it. If Raye happened to tell Misora that Light was the person he showed his badge to, then the series would of not made it to 37 episodes.


Comment for the previous episode but - I dont think Raye was being degrading to females, it may at first come off that way. But Im pretty sure that the backstory for the couple is that, they were both FBI agents and she was more elite. After they got married/engaged, they came to Japan together to work on establishing a home/new life. I assume Raye is trying to pull his wifes mind away from work, because it is highly stressful, and a case like the Kira case could have high PTSD. Right now, he is just looking after the mental wellbeing of the family on the way. In addition to all that, despite the severity, you can't disclose classified information even to other agents, and she is no longer an agent! That said, Raye's wife, I forgot her name, is one of the smartest coolest characters and youll love whats to come!


That said, you rock and no one should be mad at you for that!


Naomi was an agent ( she is not an active fpi agent she is not on the case ). He has a right not to talk about his work. He didn't let her talk per THEIR agreement. He simply strongly sticked with it while she didn't. She had good intentions ofc and she probably wanted to protect him too. There is nothing wrong with trying to protect someone regardless of how good or skilled they are, ppl can't help it .. it is natural to protect the precious things to us. Raye is not "a scum bag". He is not in the wrong. Neither is Naomi. I would like to add that while am sorry about your past experiences i don't believe it has anything to do with it, we are simply assessing the situation objectively.


Just finished the video! Light didn't out himself! She doesnt know Raye was investigating Light, Light only agreed with her hypothesis that Kira was the one who saw his ID on the bus. He has to now kill her now and the next episode is gonna be one juicy react haha cant wait


I think because of my past experiences it is a little easier for me to tell when someone isn’t only just trying to protect someone. Of course I could be interpreting that wrong BECAUSE I’m so used to a man meaning it that way when he says it. but it’s a show and just because I don’t interpret his words your guys’ way, doesn’t mean I deserve to be called a moron or an idiot or a dumb person. I’m not saying you called me those names but a lot of others did.


Ok she doesn’t know. Got it! 😊 so she doesn’t know who he was investigating and she doesn’t know who he showed his ID too? So she is probably going to start by trying to track down and interview all of the passengers. At least that is my best guess.


She already knows that the Kira was in that bus and thats why she trying to find out who was there and Light knows that, so he said that just to be more trustable person.


Notice how L shoveled 8 blocks of sugar into his small tea cup haha


This episode bothered me for one reason: Light's mom happened to send new pair of clothes to his father on the exact same day this woman shows up because of a crucial information that can end Light and how lucky that the whole task force is at L's hotel room at that exact moment that Light and this woman meets at the police station. Conveniency is strontg with Light in this episode..


well, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't L say they should view his hotel room as their investigation team's headquarters? Don't know how much time they still spend at the police station, with so many people around L doesn't trust. But yes, even then it would be very convenient; just think that's the case with a lot of shows, most of them more on the action-heavy side though. Like animes where the Protagonist gets saved from certain death by some badass who just so happens to pass by at that exact time and also just so happens to have been taught some technique by his dad he can incorporate into his fighting style at a crucial moment & somehow knows how to do that just then (Kimetsu no Yaiba) good rule of thumb, don't look too close at probabilities 😅


No guarantees I got everything right, but on the scene that confused you I think he thought along those lines: A few days after the FBI agents came to Japan, Kira started experimenting on prisoners, going from simply "you have a heart attack" to "I'll make you do all kinds of stuff and THEN you get a heart attack". L deduced that the 2 things were likely related, so probably it was to test to which extend he could manipulate criminals to help him get rid of the investigators, which he probably started with right when he knew they were after him; he didn't start right away when they arrived, so maybe he didn't notice the threat at first. On the other hand, it would be easy to narrow down if he killed them as soon as possible (someone they investigated between the start of Kira's experiments and their death), so L deduced that Kira probably waited a bit, so they could investigate more people before dying in order to increasing the number of possible candidates, so the people they investigated right before getting killed, like 1, 2 days before, were out. If Kira just killed the criminals he needed to in order to get his plan working, it would be easier to reconstruct who he used when and track that back to him (because the criminals would probably have to be nearby in order to do something immediately useful before dying, thus giving a broad area in which Kira's plan would have been pulled of), so he killed more criminals in order to not let the investigators narrow the seach parameters down based on that data. But by doing that, he created a "spike" in deaths to hide the few useful kills within the whole pile of dead criminals, pulling people who commited less hardcore crimes or were only suspected because they happened to be more useful for his plan than serious criminals, as well in order to increase the number & make it harder to see who's death was part of the plan and who wasn't; previously, Kira had only targeted people who commited major crimes. Hope it was mostly correct & at least a bit helpful^^


ok she thinks she understood why light said " Kira was the one your fiance showed his ID to" she doesnt comprhend the psychlogy behind it. And either way thats not enough to make her sure its him. Besides hes gon find a quick way to kill her. He was concocting a plan but she jumps to conclusions sometimes withought thinkin it through