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donald johnson

yes please do 2 episodes a week i need sds haha


Have you thought about just doing 1 or 2 shows at a time at an accelerated pace instead of several shows at a slower pace? I mean you could watch 4-5 episodes of 1 show per week and you'd finish these 12/25 ep shows in only a month or so. At 1 per week No Game No Life will take you 3 months, and a season of SDS takes you half a year. To me at least it seems worse in almost every way because you have to watch at a dreadful rate of 1 ep per week, we also have to watch at that dreadful rate, and you have to try to keep several shows in your head simultaneously that you also only re-visit once a week -- which inevitably leads to you forgetting stuff and losing some context of the show. Personally with airing anime I will wait for episodes to pile up or even for the season to finish until I watch it because I think 1 ep per week is just an awful way to watch the show, but that's me. Like there's a reason Netflix releases all episodes of a season when they produce a show, because they realize how unpleasant it is to do it at 1 ep per week. Many of the reactors I watch do at least 2 eps of a show per week and just reduce the amount of shows, and it's way better in my opinion. You're watching the same amount of shows after all, it's just in bigger pulses. It's up to you of course, but that's my two cents on it all.


thats a good option. Especially with older animes just get them done with. 4-5 episodes a week of just 1 anime. Now... idk how you take this job, if you see it as part time or full time right. Like do you put 20 hrs of work a week on your reaction/videos or more. I guess all that goes into consideration aswell


it would be easier to keep track & allow her (and us) to get through the shows faster... only downside is the assumption that all patrons watch every show; unfortunately, I saw at least one comment he would re-subscribe some time in the future as soon as she said she would temporarily drop the current season of SDS, guess there may be several other who just temporarily unsubscribed without saying something. From a "business-perspective", she might keep more people in subscriptions at the same time by having slower progress with several shows at ones, so it's a mixed bag with something for everyone, assuming people aren't that turned off by slower progress. Also, IF people are mostly around for show x/y, they'll stay around longer if she doesn't finish as fast, thus giving her more time to find a suitable replacement. Mind you that I don't assume she's just thinking about maximizing subscriptions/profit, just things I thought of when reading this & that should maybe be considered when making the decision; the channel is more of a job for her, not a pure charity after all, just trying to help.


Just like with the card deck being new in the last episode, they won by using knowledge they had & their opponent didn't - knowledge is power! The air we normally breathe has about 21% of oxygen, that's what our lungs can process - so pure oxygen is a toxic concentration for us; in fact, everything can be toxic in too high concentrations. Without the atmosphere, the gases in Jibril's lungs started decompressing, because the environment pressure dropped rapidly without an atmosphere to hold everything together, just like divers who rise to the surface too quickly can suffer lung damage from rapid decompression. On Coulomb's force I don't know the specifics; it's about the electric force of charged particles, who can attract or repel each other based on this charge, but I think (if it really has a scientific explanation instead of just surface TV logic), it's too deep for me, don't know much about quantum physics 😅 And again...you're not dumb >.< you're just not a universal genius, none of us is, so please stop belittling yourself so much please :( Also that handwave at the end was super cute ^.^


I personally think the 2 episodes would be better not only do we the consumers receive more content, but u also get thru the show quicker and can get to other shows you're planning on like continuing 7 deadly sins and whatnot plus doing double episodes for any of your shows is always something the majority of us would like just whatever's most viable for u


So the game they played 'shiritori' is a game based around syllables or if you spoke japanese it would be the last character of the word you spoke. So shi | ri | to | ri for the first word now you have to come up with a word that starts with ri. That's the game they played. It wouldn't let me update my previous comment...

Waffles ^.^

cant watch full on mega


Please do 2 episodes if you can!