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Here are the questions! ALSO:  ***DO NOT ANSWER THEM IF THE ANSWER IS A SPOILER***

Just tell me it's a spoiler after the number. 

ex; 1. DIANE'S AGE: can't answer because its a spoiler! :)


1. How old is; 










2. How long were King and Diane together while his memories were lost (before king took her memories away and Diane was kid)?

3. How long do druids live? What is the average lifespan?



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Ban: 40+ years old

Waffles ^.^

youre asking for a spoilers LOL


Rough estimates cause I forgot the exact numbers. Elaine and King are about 1000 years old. Diane is about 700 years old. Meliodas is about 3000 years old. Elizabeth is a teenager so I’d say 16-19 years old?. Merlin and Gowther’s ages are spoilers I believe. Since we saw I think 4 generations in that one village, King should’ve been with Diane for about 100 years but could’ve been longer. Druids are still human so they should live a normal human’s lifespan.


I only gave info that comes from season 1-2. I haven’t even seen season 3 yet


Please don't spoil yourself DOOD. A lot of the things you want to know... you'll literally find out if you just watch the show. You don't NEED to know something right away at all. Like someone will appear on the screen and you immediately get "confused" and basically ask to get spoiled. Like there's never anything to be confused about you'll get all the answers if you continue watching the show. Obviously we'll tell you if something wasn't in the anime to give you more info. rip lol


I’m slightly disappointed at season 3’s animation quality as well. That being said, I’m still grateful we’re at least getting season 3 which is crucial to the plot. A1 pictures cancelled the project and I’m glad another studio picked it back up and the story did not disappoint in the slightest.


A1 pictures dropped SDS because the movie did bad. So the SDS team had 6 months or so to look for a new studio and get it going before airing. The story is still there for season 3 but the animation is god aweful, understandably so. Also the studio that picked it up it’s not so good


bunch of new shirts? So we get a fashion show on top of this week's reactions? 😁


Escanor is something like 40 years old. I don't think it's ever stated explicitly but he was at most in his early twenties when he joined the seven deadly sins (SDS), then spent 10 years as part of the SDS, and then an additional 10 years in hiding after the SDS got framed and split up. That brings us to the current time in the anime. I think he's supposed to be just a couple of years younger than Ban. Interesting to note that as the only purely human member without any artificial extension of his lifespan, Escanor looks like the oldest member of the SDS while actually being it's youngest.


Escanor's power is very conditional out of necessity, as it would be story breaking otherwise. Having a highly overpowered protagonist without weaknesses greatly limits story telling options and lowers the stakes of all conflicts. In certain types of stories it works just fine, but those aren't going to be enjoyable for everyone, ex: Ainz from Overlord or Saitama from One Punch Man, both of which are very different types of stories than SDS. By making Escanor very weak at night the writers give themselves an in-cannon justification for having him not participate in certain scenes and fights that he would otherwise dominate, thereby giving other characters a chance to shine.