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I don't know if you will like her forever. She has no morals. If she has to kill a million people to survive, she would do it. An Italian Red Devil is a nickname for an Italian grenade that detonates by impact instead of a timing fuse. They are dangerously defective because they can blow up when people pick them up after they failed to explode. "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong" is Murphy's Law.


When you say the God you used to believe in wouldn’t do some messed up ish, I’m assuming you were Christian before you stopped believing because it’s the majority religion, but God did some messed up stuff in those books. Especially in the Old Testament. When he was doing the ten plagues on Egypt to get the Hebrew slaves freed, after the 9th plague pharaoh was ready to let all the slaves go. God straight up “hardened his heart” so the next time Moses asked for his people’s freedom, pharaoh would say no. Pharaoh didn’t get to choose that, and the result was God sent the angel of death to kill all the first born sons of Egypt as the tenth and final plague. Including Pharoah’s own son! Then there was thus time that the Prophet Isaiah was being made fun of for being bald by a bunch of children (42 to be exact) so he cursed the children and God sent to she-bears (yes that is specified) to maul and kill all the children! Anyone who didn’t believe in God was to be slaughtered or enslaved! And even if you don’t believe in everything the Bible says, we kept that tradition of slaughter and destruction up until very very recently. Oh and also he sent his son to earth to be tortured and killed so he could forgive humans their sins instead of, I don’t know, just forgiving them. And I know people are gonna say a bunch of that stuff was Old Testament but Jesus straight up says he has not come to change the old laws. All the Old Testament laws are still upheld in the New Testament, Jesus is just nicer about it than his dad was.


I disagree. I don't think she has no morals, but rather doesn't believe in good or evil. 'Subjective Morality'. Playing devil's advocate, lets look at the first incident that introduces us to Tanya the 'Evil'. The disobedient soldiers Kurst and Harold refuses her command and so she knowingly sends both of them to their deaths. This is undoubtedly a shitty thing to do by almost anyone's standards. Now, let's look at it from the other side. Two soldiers disobeyed orders, abandoning their commanding officer and fellow comrade (Viktoriya) in the middle of combat, and then when told they were being sent home for disobeying orders still refused. From Tanya's more logically driven perspective, if the pillboxes have to be manned no matter what (which they do, that is just the nature of static defenses) then why wouldn't you man them with the least cooperative and most disruptive troops possible? They have to have some combat capability because they are manning a pillbox but with such a simple task there is less room for their hero complexes to cause disruption to the army as a whole. And while I don't think she lost any sleep after learning of their deaths, I don't think she would just randomly do that to someone without reason. Personally, I like Tanya. Might not be a hero, but certainly not a villain.


controversial topics, alright... remember that time god had a bet with this devil-dude and said "no matter what I do to him, he will still believe in me" and just to prove it let him take everything away from him, including killing his children? And then, as a "reward" gave him new ones afterwards because, "yeah, killed your children, but now you hav some new ones, so we cool!" Good times...


based on your reaction and your opinion of Tyana you would probably really like death note.

Tyrone Tyrone

Being X is not God, but more of a high ranking priest trying to get people to convert. And seeing your reaction to smart characters you have to at least try Death Note...you have too.


"IMPORTANT" Informations that they left out in the Anime Adaption about Tanyas Elenium Typ95 Orb!!! Elenium Type 95 Operation Orb ( some Details from the Light Novel ) Developed by Adelheid von Schugel and his team of Elenium Arms as the first multi-core operational orb. It uses 4 cores as opposed to using only 1 like normal models do, quadrupling the output of an Operation Orb that uses mana in place of fuel, but at the cost of the mana consumption rate increasing by four-fold. The Type 95 is an experimental revolutionary Orb which theoretically allows the user to reach an altitude of 18.000 Meter ( No other Computition Jewel Device can give his User this Altitude, 6000-7000m is the Maximum that any other Orb from any Nations can do) and cast multiple spells. Its final goal is to achieve Mana Fixation. However, it is very unstable and fragile, with a very high chance of exploding. Thanks to Existence X Tanya is the only person in the world who can safely use the Type 95 by praying to "God" or "Being X". Achieving even miraculous deed of materializing mana to the world, a technology that is 1,000 years ahead of the present. Existence X has also modified the orb to cause Tanya to gradually become more faithful to him whenever she utilizes it, much to her ire. However this makes her entered state of mental corruption where she able to retain her memories even vaguely with the help of rosary on her neck. She barely remembered the selection of 203rd Aerial Mage Battalion due to side effect of Elenium Type 95 usage that corrupts her mental.


Glad you're in better mood today 😊 Im an atheist myself, but even if I wouldn't reject the notion of some all-powerful being watching over us...in my opinion it shouldn't matter if you're religious or not. If god was real & fair, he should judge if you're a good person and treat others kindly, not if you're obedient. If obedience was the only standard people were measured against, He would be nothing more than a petty tyrant, slapping you with the newspaper if you don't roll over, and wouldn't deserve any worship. And even if there is NO god (what I believe) - we can still be good people, but because we want to be and see it as the right thing to do, not because we want to earn a ticked to some kind of paradise for our own gain... On a side note concerning the "is he god or maybe the devil"-topic: If the devil did something bad - "It's the devil's work!" If god did something bad - "He works in mysterious ways..." Big daddy G isn't that different; he only has better marketing, see Job, or Lot's wife in the "Sodom & Gomorra"-story