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Here’s my schedule for the week! This is what I HOPE to get done. So things might change or get pushed back depending on how my week goes. Plus I’m depressed so that doesn’t help. Anyway, this is what you guys have to look forward to this week! See you later! 😁




i would recommend not doing reactions while feeling like shit. It affects your reaction a lot. All good either way.


Like most people including me have said I hope u consider all aspects of how your feelings atm will affect your reactions I just think u have a lot of time and your supporters all understand


Realize that virtually none of your audience are just going to drop you all of a sudden if you take a slight break, most viewers will either understand why or simply not notice. Don't be afraid to take a moment to recollect yourself, heartbreak is an extremely hard thing to go through especially when it's fresh.


Super excited about Youjo Senki and Code Geass! I really need to start MHA at some point, I really like the art style just never got around to it. Hope you have a good week. Peace :)


I really appreciate that you already want to get back in the saddle for us 🙂 if you stick to it or not is your judgement call; if you feel like some kind of a schedule/ day-to-day routine helps you - that's great! If you start feeling like it puts pressure on you and push stuff back/ take a break - also fine with us! We have your back either way, so don't stress yourself out over it, okay?


This is very satisfying to see. Something about seeing a clear schedule makes my find feel clear and not messy. Really excited for Tanya today.