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If the Britannian civilians didn't want to get caught in the crossfire, they should have stayed in their vast homeland. It was not a secret that the Narita mountain was controlled by the JLF, and there was an evacuation order. They all know how the Japanese live. They never did anything to help the people in the ghettos like Kallen, but are more than happy to take their land and resources. They will only be sad when one of their own gets killed. All the tools Britannia uses to slaughter the Japanese with are made by Britannian civilians or forced Japanese labor. Shirley doesn't deserve to suffer, because she's still a kid. But her father was an adult. He chose to be there. It is not realistic to try to spare Britannian soldiers because they got families. Everybody got families. At least Lelouch doesn't target civilians on purpose and feels bad when he kills them, unlike the Britannians. The soldiers signed up to invade other countries and commit genocide. They should be prepared to be killed themselves. Sure there could be good people within the military. There were also good German soldiers in WWII. Not every German soldier was a NAZI, but the Allies still bombed German cities to reduce their morale and logistics. Resistance groups do not have the luxury to take in prisoners of war on a large scale. They are fighting for their survival. If they spared Britannian soldiers, the soldiers will just come back to kill them again.


i feel like your view is kind of harsh, but i can respect your opinion. i don't want to generalize and say every Britannian soldier is evil or bad or would come back and kill them. Maybe, again there is no way for me to know, but maybe if the knights of justice spared soldiers when they could, the britanian soldiers would take notice and rethink their stances on the Japanese. That is really optimistic and hopeful i know. It is probably not likely. yet, i don't think lelouch should go out of his way to kill their soldiers when it isn't necessary. I'm not trying to say he should never kill any of them. That's just not realistic, especially not in war. i guess just try to avoid it when he can? Also, i am not trying to say he should spare them because he has families. I was just trying to say he looks at it too much like its a game. If he is really going to go to war, and kill people, he needs to understand the full gravity and full consequences of his actions. He is taking real people's lives and this has real life consequences and effects for all these people. I am not saying all of britanian soldiers deserve to live either. They treat the japanese like trash and like they are nothing and it pisses me off. They deserve so much better and i want it for them so badly!! I just don't want them to become monsters as well in the process.


I love seeing how much thought you put into the differences between the forces, and I'm really looking forward to seeing your reactions to some of the developments to come. Also, when you called yourself slow about Lelouch in the diving suit? I've gone through this series three times on my own, and at least twice with two other reactors, and I've never put that together until you mentioned it just now.


@AwakeProduction Spot about the cliche on how Lelouch is “becoming” the very thing he wanted to destroy. I don’t believe in any man who has the audacity to claim he will change the world for the better when he didn’t even flinch to blow up his own allies to get the jump on his enemies and exploited it through lies to manipulate his own people into being more motivated and determined. And I fundamentally disagree with his “ the ends justify the means” because that’s precisely why he was capable of such actions.


By the way I really appreciate the way you think. You mentioned about thinking how other people will be affected from your actions, how those you hurt might have a family, and how not everyone is bad just because they’re against you. It’s not naive at all because that’s where we draw the line between good and bad people, and I think the world will be a gentler place if everyone has the same mindset as you.


EXACTLY that's what I was saying it just feels naive to think u can choose who to kill in war even regarding casualties. He's basically in too deep and has to decide what best benefits him in the moment as well as the long run despite consequences


Kallen had no choice. What should she do, if she turn her back against him? Lelouch is the only person who can save Japanese people.


Gotta admit. It is pretty hard to listen to her constantly say and hope that lelouch changes for the better while in truth he chooses to or maybe more accurately forces himself to change for the worse... As you and so many have pointed out you are a goody goody you want everyone to be good to be the hero... In this case it is not meant to be... Lelouch is not a good man he is the man the world need a dark savior who uses evil to destroy the greater evil and then takes all that evil with him to his grave... Leaving behind a world that trough his evil actions is now a better place...


Did you join just to criticize me on every single code geass video? Why even join, why PAY me just to insult me? If I irritate you that much, why are you here?