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If I see one dub vote, we riot!!


They are both good the sub is better but If the dub helps you understand it watch the dub


I can imagine it being a little harder to understand subbed but I personally prefer it bc of the emotions u only get with the subbed


Just personal opinion but sub is 100x better


I've seen both Sub and Dub versions of this anime and while 99% of subs are superior this is one of the few cases where I would say there is no significant difference in quality between the versions, both are excellent. Just my opinion though. Maybe try watching the first episode of the dub and deciding which is preferable for yourself.


The dub is descent, and you miss half the show trying to read the sub. My 2c


sub because her loli voice is 100% better in jap than eng

Waffles ^.^

dub so i can play game while listening

Sierra's pichu

i Hate these polls, subs win every time. I would rather you just watch the first episode in both sub and dub and have you choose.

Zombie Muffin

Subs VA's are superior


Agreed, with pretty much every anime.. but only because they get better direction from the actual production staff of the visuals, and sometimes even the original creator. English dubs are all third party and far removed from the creators of the media, both through geography and communication. TL;DR - It's not their fault, but they will never be as good as the original VA's. Just as western media ends up pretty badly dubbed into other languages 90% of the time.


that kind of defeats the purpose of a reaction tho? But obvs, each to their own...


I think for this one the original voice is amazing, really brings out the character


it's essentialy up to what you want/need from the voice overs; you have to find out what works best for YOU (which is why I'll abstain from voting and just state my view): Sub: harder to follow for you, but the "feel" of the characters & emotions (at least in my opinion) ar conveyed way better Dub: Easier to follow, but the trade-off is - again - that sub mostly catches the characters emotions & personality better in my opinion


Definitely a popular opinion at least from what I've seen I think what you've said is kinda what I've and a lot of people have said and I think a lot of people watch subbed for the emotions and stuff u don't get from dub

Nefarious Nox

I know you are asking us, but you can choose which one you prefer and I wouldn't mind either way. As for the dub being easier to understand, the first episode is intentionally being vague to get you interested in what is going on.