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Agh!! I forgot to post it!!! 🙈🙊🙉

Sorry about that!! Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy!!!



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Maybe you can use a Chrome plug-in program to download the video so you can watch without interruption. There are plenty of educational videos about nutrition and workout on YouTube. I used to be fatter than you, but was inspired after seeing all the fit people at a college pool party. If you workout and eat healthy long enough, it will become a part of your lifestyle. Don't worry about choosing the dub. You saw our votes, gave the sub a shot, and that's all it matters. You should be the final decision maker in everything you do.

Barre Bonds

I've shown this show to a lot of my friends and they always say they get back into it because they switched to the dub. Either way sub or dub the show is amazing though so its fine 💯 👍


What happened in the first warehouse scene may not be factual, because it was a part of Kallen's dream. Kallen's brother, Naoto, might be a former leader of the Japanese resistance group. Ohgi once complained to himself about not being a good leader like Naoto. Kallen's mom might've broken the vase on purpose to draw attention to herself, in order to break up the argument between Kallen and her stepmom. Like the stepmom mentioned, she probably had sold her body before. My interpretation of Lelouch talking to Kallen about bowing down to Britannia, might be his way of using reverse psychology to get Kallen more motivated, and to test Suzaku's argument of "have faith in the system" and see how Kallen would take it. If Kallen is that ticked off, the average Japanese might be influenced to a similar degree.


That !!YOU ARE NOT DUMB!! You simply compare yourself to high standards...want to understand everything the moment it's shown and so on... going by what people I sometimes meet online & in real life, it's safe to assume you're above the average person I would say 😉


Supporting that you got your ass up and start working out 👍 I mean, you don't have to get gold at the olympics to preserve your health, just have to get used to it, certainly helps with confidence if you keep at it....in my expierence the soreness is the worst the first time (or after a longer break), to be safe assume it'll last 2-3 days, maybe 4 😁 It gets easier to motivate yourself if you do it in a specific rythm; that way you can let it become more of a habit once you got used to it, keep it up!


Why would you even blame stepmother for anything? Do you actually think it is pleasant for her to live under one roof with a woman, who is her husband's ex wife? The only woman who is retardedly strange here is Kallen's real mother. She is just making things way more complicated and tense for all of them : herself, her ex husband, her daughter and stepmother.


well, she was kind of an a**hole to Kallen as well, with her remarks when she had a visitor & the whole "there's no fighting one's blood" racism stuff (I know it's partly due to the society she comes from, but even then it doesn't excuse all of her behaviour)


didn't think about it this way until now; my (maybe to simple) explanation was that he was merely keeping up the act of a student that keeps to himself and not "break character"; after all he went through the whole call-while-in-the-shower-charade to avert suspicion from himself and get Kallen off his trail


maybe you can post progress pictures or measurements to patreon, telling other people about your workouts is actually a good way to stay motivated.


Also I wonder if you would like tanya just because she's definitely not a very "good" person

James Hardin

The Saga of Tanya the Evil (I hate that title, by the way) shows a lot of info in text on the screen. I'd recommend pausing every time you see text. At least until you can recognize some of the characters. The text will tell you what team you're looking at. Also, be prepared for lots of military stuff...not just action, but long talks about strategy too. It's a war story that centers around a very strange child soldier. Oh, and I think the dub is pretty good (though there's one little scene that's much better in the Japanese version).


thought about that as well, but could create a lot of pressure (depending on the person)...which is kind of the point, I know, but if people then start comparing with their own progress...just don't want her to push herself to hard just to not look weak/ lazy or something, everyone has their own pace


If you want to workout and get better legs and arms and a better butt as u said. Go for it, is all about dedication. I gotta say tho when u made a sideways pose. You do have a nice butt and shape. Probably because I didn’t think that you had it...I mean I think you already have it, but if you want more go for it.All I do is workout every other day and less than an hour. It’s enough to keep in shape. And working out at least for me makes you feel good, and I’m not even hardcore about it.


Have you seen the anime "How Heavy are the Dumbbells You Lift"? It's really funny and has a lot of info on working out. The main characters are high school girls learning to exercise and it's so popular in Japan, a lot of people are getting into workouts. There is a dub already.

Dezmond Broadway

If you want to get stronger check out strong curves by Bret Contreras, /r/xxfitness, or brazillian jiu jitsu. For youtube check out Megsquats or Stephanie Buttermore.


It was actually interesting how you were thinking about a lot of the scenes that happened here for example throughout the episode they talk about this new drug spreading throughout Area 11 called Refrain but I don't think u caught that so u thought Kallen's mom was drinking but those bottles are actually refrain and it basically let's people live a life before the Britannian occupation of the country


I like just how much you have missed... The entire episode was centered around this drug that taking over japan: refrain something that allows you to live in the past... Also Naoto Kouzuki Kallen's brother was the former leader of the Kouzuki Resistance which Kallen was a part of before the black knights. After Naoto's death which I don't know more about Ohgi took over the resistance. Kallen could not understand why her mother would stay in a place like that and treated her harshly to cause her mother to leave...


Also yes the drug was targeted for the Japanese they said that... They said a lot of stuff you missed so I suggest that in the future (I know how late I am don't worry) you double check the parts you talked over... Because somehow you manage to talk over some core shit and thus not notice it...