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André Bessa

Girl, you Ned to watch One Punch Man.

André Bessa

Fist season is really really good.


Even put a fitting shirt on ^^ if she could learn to control her quirk she could maybe even revert Allmight to the state before his body got damaged and he still hadn't passed on One-for-All on to Midoriya...could they maybe have 2 guys with One-for-All like that? And yes, you were fangirling hard, but it was soooo adorable 😊 Chisaki's whole plan was to become rich and powerful enough to be the No. 1 underworld organization, yeah. But in his mind (as I understand his explanation) he did it for his adoptive father (?); the old man was loosing ground (criminals croaching in on their turf) because he held on to his code of honor or whatever, so in the long run Chisaki might think that he would destroy the Hassaikai & as a result himself with that. So basically knock him out, make the Yakuza strong again by ignoring his ideals and then, when he set everything "right", wake him up again after "saving him from himself"...at least that's what I get out of the whole "I have to repay my debt" stuff he said while putting him down.


it's a really fun show, if you want a laugh out of all the typical superhero-stuff, but...wasn't OPM also kadogawa? Mean, she got problems with those in the past, right?

André Bessa

The punch were air compressed, and the lightning can be two think I suppose, the air is so compressed that create plasma or one other quirk he my have.


Ah okay that makes sense. I guess what he did isn’t that bad compared to overlord. At least he’s going to heal him. I see that what he’s trying to do is help. It’s a good plan. But still wrong. Also, yeah!! Would there then be two one -for- all’s?


All those giant fists in the air is just a visual for showing how Midoriya punched Overhaul like a bizillion times in quick succession. The key animator for this scene worked on One Punch Man, so he likes to do that kind of visual I suppose.


Holy Shit this episode was HYPE AF! Imagine Deku could always use 100%, fighting Villains would become a joke. But i think its crazy how much Chisaki was able to sustain from Deku at 100%. I think it comes down to how Eri's rewind quirk works, if there can be 2 All for Ones or not. Because All for One gets passed down, 1 person gets it the other person loses it. So since Allmight technically doesn't have All for One anymore, the question is the Rewind like a Time Rewind that rewinds everything that happended to a Object or does it just Rewind the Time of an Object that with the properties it currently has. If its the latter there wont be 2 All for Ones since Allmight doesn't have All for One anymore and it wont restore, if its the first there could be 2 All for Ones since Allmighht at one point had All for One. Also you cant really judge the Quality of Animations from single Frames, because quick moveing scenes can look really good, but when you pause the single frames can looks pretty bad. So judging from single Frames is not something where you can judge the overall quality of the Animations for something. I think overall the Quality of this Episoded was really really good. Well i would say Nighteye wasn't completely wrong. If Deku was in Mirio's position Deku could have lost his Quirk/All for One and maybe Mirio would be able to save the day if he wouldn't fight like 3 vs 1. Deku was only able to do it because of Eri otherwise Deku probably would have died, but i wonder what triggered the change of the Future. Was it Deku, was it Eri, or maybe both together or did maybe Nighteye didn't looked far enough into the future... well cant imagine the latter since he saw that Chisaki escaped and Deku dies.


If Eri's rewind only worked on, as you worded it, properties a person/object currently has, then the second half of Overhaul's plan with "selling a serum that restores the lost quirks" wouldn't mak sense, since those quirk-genes would be lost by then; the most critical part was (as far as I can see it) that, according to him, noone could develop that without Eri. So either Overhaul got his calculations wrong or Eri's quirk actually rewinds the time as in "go backwards through what happened to someone" which would most likely include passing on One-for-All and revert that loss. For plot reasons I don't believe that the story will go down that path anyway, since without All-for-One in the picture and his power restored, Allmight would be the undisputed No.1 hero again, which would take off most of the pressure from Deku, who wouldn't need to hurry anymore to fill Allmight's not-anymore empty place.


When you can feel how proud you are of Deku in this reaction is why I really like your content. My hero has a way of telling some of us things that we ourselves sometimes need to hear. A+