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Lupus regina - latin means wolf queen, she's a werewolf

Jesse Gallimore

Everyone has their personality flaws, but yes, Lupus Regina is a pretty nice lady.


Thing about Lupisregina - just like Yuri says she’s a “sadist in the most extreme sense.” Meaning for her the greatest way of expressing love or adoration is inflicting pain, as well as taking all sorts of pleasure out of the misfortune of others. Lupisregina LIKES Carne Village, she thinks that it’s fun and interesting - which means by her very nature that she desperately wants to see it suffer and burn. Of course that drive means nothing whatsoever when compared to the command of a supreme being like Ainz, so she’s basically been stuck in a position where her greatest desire cannot be fulfilled - but every other part of her that enjoys teasing people and hearing all the juicy goings on has been allowed to thrive since that sort of interaction is exactly what Ainz wants to see anyway. The sadism isn’t ever going to go away - it’s far too much a core part of her - but spoilersspoilersspoilersspoilers should be fun to see.

Kevin Baker

I have tickets for Star Wars on Sunday with some friends. Hope it doesn't suck for all of us. Edit: You're right, her name is "Lupus Regina". The subber botched her name.


Lupusregina's joke in the beginning was that Enri and one of her goblins had a child. That's why a young boy's heart is crushed. Ainz only ran into Enri, after getting tired of waiting in line to enter the city and then went into the guardhouse to see what's going on. He could skip the line as an Adamantite adventurer, but he wants to be a man of the people. He questioned the guild receptionist about why the girl (Enri) was there, and had a little talk with her behind Enri's back. The adventurer's guild doesn't want to get on his bad side because Adamantite adventurers are very rare and profitable. The NPCs can change. Narberal was going to talk to Enri while looking down at her, but because Enri complemented her sister (Lupisregina), she got down to Enri's level.


No offense to people who like the new direction - but I will boycott any future Star Wars movies from disney...I was excited about The Force Awakens, got disappointed, gave The Last Jedi another chance and they botched it again, so no disney Star Wars for me anymore; I mean, they literally pulled of stunts in the movie that are complete horseshit going by established lore. Change from "I like her" to "I hate her" in 1 second - love it :D I think the question if they can change or not is a central point of the show...still no conclusive evidence if they are able to really change or not as far as I could see it, so I'm still excited^^


It's going to get a lot darker, prepare xD


This is the thing I hate the most about Overlord. Fake personalities, fake relationship between Nazarik characters, lack of character development, programmed restrictions beyond which characters won't go. All of that makes this show boring.

André Bessa

The fist episode this season is not a filler. Indeed is write in the, the objective it's to we see Aiz and his subordinates care it other and the NPC will do everything to pleases Aiz. Aiz care about who is kind to him é he's NPCs but is very brutal and the opposite case.


As you can see from the similar (but smaller, to emphasise the difference) effect as Demiurge's "Mind Control", Enri has a lesser type of skill from the same (similar-ish?) category, which is based around the Command-type skills, used to command units etc. Like when she yelled "Duck", the gobbos instantly ducked, since that was their unit-commander giving them an order; you can hear the same mini-echo when this happens.


Not to mention, Lupusregina is Narberal's BIG sister (as implied by her name, Lupusregina BETA, as opposed to Narberal GAMMA, or the oldest sibling, Yuri ALPHA), so that also probably has something to do with it, I'd say.


Looks like the others hasnt told you about the reason ainz come to help enri during the guard interrogation moment. Ainz being there was completely an accident. Ainz was about to enter through the city gate but it has a long queue due to some reason so ainz when in to check whats wrong. I forgot the inner thought of ainz during this moment but he prefer not to use his adamantite status to bypass stuff so he wont look like someone who take advantage of system. Once Ainz found out about the situation enri in, Ainz actually cursed himself for admitting of knowing enri because i belive they havent formally meet yet. Ainz actually felt like leaving her there and not get involved but remembered that Nephi, who know momon is ainz might get upset if he leave enri so he decided to vouch for her to enter the city. Now that enri is free from interrogation. The question stand. Why is enri is at E-rantel. Ainz has not been notify by Lupis about this. So thats why Nabe meet her for abit to ask why is she at E-rantel. During the time at Enri at the guild and she is not taken seriously by the clerk. Ainz when to meet with the Guild Director or something. I dont really remember to ask for a favour. The director is quite eager to fulfill the adamantite request so much that ainz question whether the director is gay or something(which he is not) During the meeting . The director called upon the clerk who was really heckin scared of the situation. She also got Reprimand by the director for not doing her job properly. Ainz thought his harsh action is just for show and is uncalled for. Ainz explain calmly that the clerk needed to find out what enri needed from the guild and thats where we got to the part where is clerk is basically begging enri to tell her everything. And i thinked thats cover it all. Feel free to correct me as i vaguely remember this scene from the books. So this episode just to show how lupis is so eager on playing with the villagers that she forgot to do her job which is to protect the key target and relay any movement from the key target. I guess a little spoiler. I think next episode Lupis will be scolded by Ainz. The whole scene in the books is more brutal. This is def a good scene if you hate lupisregina.

André Bessa

In fact the command she gives to the goblins is absolute, most of the time she asks the goblins to do something, now if she gives the result and the visa in the forest combat, anyone who summons the goblins will have that effect. Aiz explains this when asked about the item.


Also, regarding Lupisregina. "Lupis" refers to "Lupus" the latin word for "Wolf." Since all the npcs in Ains Ool Gown are nonhumans, Lupis-regina's name hints at what creature she might be (just in case the ears and stealth didn't give it away.)

Clarence Tan

Lupisregina Beta is a sadist so unless things are specifically passed down from her superiors, she will do sadist stuff...


Lupisregena doesn't hate anyone and she doesn't have anything against Enri or the people in the village, she's just a sadist who gets off on watching other people suffer.