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Jesse Gallimore

This is my favorite episode in season 2. And that's not to say the later episodes aren't awesome as well. I just love how Ainz came out here FLEXIN on these dudes. "Stfu Albedo!" That's why I like Shalltear more, lol. Kingcraft: How to be a king. Yes, Ainz is an asshole. He will show mercy here and there but he will never be "nice". The only people he cares about are his people, the denizens of Nazarik. It may not bode well with you but these acts of violence aren't just him being an asshole for the sake of it. Everything he does is for the benefit of his people. It will cost to keep the Lizardmen alive because he will be providing them with food and supplies once they are under his rule.

Jesse Gallimore

Also, Ainz has to keep up appearances. If he doesn't act like he's the shit then his guardians will act out because they think he's the shit. Believe it or not he acts high and mighty to protect people from his psycho underlings (Ie. Albedo and Nabe)


As a Necromancer, it would be more efficient for Ainz to control an army of undead than an army of the living. Undead soldiers do not eat or sleep, they are immune to a lot of the elements, and they will carry out orders without hesitation. Ainz probably has some spells that can buff his undead too. At this point, Ainz has not realized that the Lizard Men in this world are individuals, unlike monsters that you hunt for experience points in a game. He has been operating completely on a logical level without emotions. Defeating the Lizard Men will help keep everyone in line. The leaders know how strong Ainz and Co are, but maybe some Lizard Men are still delusional with pride. Victim is like a suicide-type Floor Guardian. When killed, he gives a movement debuff to enemies and buffs to allies. When this ability was used in combination to some other elements to stop the remnant of a massive Player raid in Nazerick, people went on the game's forums the next day to complain how unbalanced this ability is. The giant stone golem is a Floor Guardian named Gargantua. It has no gender or sentience.

James Hardin

Maybe "patronizing" is the word you were looking for at 38:00.


"...can someone just make her mouth disappear?" ...well...maybe Ainz could 😆 Cocytus is pretty much the honorable-warrior-type; as far as I get it he wnats the Lizardmen to survive because he came to respect them through the battle they fought. And yup, Demiurge seems to be the grand schemer here (if they ever came to realize that Ainz isn't the infallible god they see in him, he may be able to perform even better) I think you're right concerning his power display; he doesn't want to leave any room to debate "Could we maybe have won?"; to make sure they stay in line even when he's not looking it's safest for him when they KNOW even one of his guys could crush all of them, so they don't even try.


Nah, Albedo can't shut up. They are scripted, you know? They have no character, they have no their own will. Everything about them is scripted.

Jesse Gallimore

That's simply not true. This very episode is supposed to prove that they can change and overcome their nature. And besides, not every single thing about them was scripted to begin with. That would be impossible. It is explicitly stated in the LN that when they became sentient (aka a will of their own) they took on portions of their creator's personality to fill in the gaps in their settings.

Jesse Gallimore

I love how they weren't the 'top' guild, but they were the most infamous and frustrating guild. Really fits their roleplaying of evil villians.