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Fantastic reaction! If this got you shook then your mind is gonna be totally blown by the end of this show hahaha


You already know what im gonna say. Absolutely loved it, cant wait for the next one. P.S. I know she's not your favorite character but I think you'd do a good kurisu cosplay. You already got the hair for it. Maybe she'll continue to redeem herself in your eyes

Lye Batenkaitos

Just so you know, the last episodes of steins gate are as follows: episode 23, then 23b, and finally 24; and of course steins gate;0 is the sequel. You might have some people in the comments saying to watch it in this order: steins gate episode 1-23, 23B, steins gate0 episode 1-24, then back to the original steins gate episode 24 to finish off the series. You COULD do that if you want because that’s technically the chronological order, but if you choose to watch it in the normal way of steins gate 1-24 then steins gate;0 1-24 - then that’s completely fine too.


Fun Fact: Okabe's english actor, J. Michael Tatum, was asked at a con what his his most emotional scene was. He said it was this one, in the back of Moeka's car. He was ACTUALLY sobbing on the floor of the booth for that scene. Which just elevates that scene even further, imo. Such incredible acting...


I love seeing people's reactions to the Titor reveal, and your's was no exception :) It's such a "whoa!" moment!


Technically it is not chronological order, since S;G 0 happened even before episode 1 of S;G.


thanks! I finished this in one day so I commend you being able to watch it so slowly lol

Lye Batenkaitos

No it didn’t, sg;0 happened after sg because sg;0 contains characters we met in the regular series. Sg;0 is just a beta world continuation of SG episode 23

Radoras (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-02 01:59:11 So as far as I understand, the fixed points are like railroad switches: between them you can still move & act within the train, but the direction the train itself is heading is fixed; no matter how much you shake it up, the direction can only be affected by what you do at the switches, once you're past that it's over. Did I get that right?
2019-09-29 19:32:52 So as far as I understand, the fixed points are like railroad switches: between them you can still move & act within the train, but the direction the train itself is heading is fixed; no matter how much you shake it up, the direction can only be affected by what you do at the switches, once you're past that it's over. Did I get that right?

So as far as I understand, the fixed points are like railroad switches: between them you can still move & act within the train, but the direction the train itself is heading is fixed; no matter how much you shake it up, the direction can only be affected by what you do at the switches, once you're past that it's over. Did I get that right?


Yeah she has definitely come a long way in my eyes. She’s growing on me just like Rem did lol. 😅


Wow! That’s actually pretty interesting! I can understand why this scene go t to him so much though. It got to me. My heart aches for Okabe. Tatum does a really amazing job with this character in my eyes. He really brings him to life in an incredibile way.


So I'm not the only one who wonders what the hell is happening... that's a good thing...I guess? 🤣


yeah-yeah, but can you explain to me, how did Okabe received d-mail in episode 1 of S;G if it was never sent?


a certain worldline has always the same outcome, like mayuris death. If you change the worldline something diffrent will happen every time. The problem was that the things okabe tried, like escaping with mayuri, didnt affect the worldline = same outcome. At the end of the episode he realise that and tries something diffrent in the next episode.