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My camera and setup has been giving me a lot of anxiety to the point where I can’t sleep and it is consuming all of my thoughts. Recording isn’t fun for me anymore and just fills me with dread. I have been feeling like this for the last three weeks but last night hit me hard. I think I need to take a few mental health days so I can recuperate. I will let you guys know what’s going on and how things progress, but until then, I won’t be uploading. I hope you can understand. See you guys soon.


Tristyn Waterman

Take a break no problem don't sacrifice your mental health for strangers on the internet

Lich King

don't worry about that, your health must always come first, so take your time


Absolutely understandable! Take a break, you sound like you need it. I hope things go well for you.


Don't horry, hope you get better. Take your time and relax


Take your Time for a Break, or otherwise it will be really Bad for your Health. I know it for myself, it got sometimes so Bad for myself that i think about the dumbest things for myself that i cant sleep, so i Need Promethazin Sleep Drops ^^ Like others mentioned already, dont Ruin yourself completly for absolute Strange Creatures (and People) like us^^


Just take the time you need...can just talk for myself, but as long as it helps you recover I have no issue at all with that. You enjoying this together with us is a big part of the fun after all, so it wouldn't be the same if you got so stressed out by it that you can't sleep; the last thing we want is to turn your reactions from the thing you like so much and get so emotional about to a chore. Nice holidays, se you soon! :)


Take your time I was stressing out someone got my bank info an I lost 400 dollars I had lack of sleep changed my bank stuff all ok but lost the money


I’m so sorry to hear that! That happened to me before too so I know how it feels. I’m glad you at least got everything figured out.


Take as long as you need - we will be here when you get back! Whether that is a few days or a few weeks :)

Martin Sætran

As one who have anxiety and depression i can relate. Take comfort that others can understand what you're dealing with. Take time and when YOU decides to make more reactions come back. Just remember that we all love you and wants what's best for you.


Take your time my dude


Don't worry about that, we will be here and wait for u to get better. Take your Time for a Break and see u soon. .^_^.


Real life comes first, take your time! Everyone’s still gonna be here!!


I do not think there is anything to have anxiety about, you are doing awesome, your reactions are the best! but hey, we'll be here, nobody cares about a few days :)