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overlord 1X05 patreon reaction!.mp4



It's a circlet, it goes on the head. It suppresses someone's consciousness, turning them into a magic item in human form that continually produces high-level magic. Khaj has some ritual he wants to do, so a perpetual magic generator would likely be useful for him. It's a Norse word, and that's just how it's pronounced. He would draw way more attention as a god-tier magic caster than as a novice adventurer working his way up the ranks and gaining a positive reputation. Keeping the two identities separate allows him to collect information from multiple sources and have different contacts, without drawing unwanted attention to Nazarick before he's ready. I guess you never play video games, so you don't know how they work at all, but for me it's still weird that you're so opposed to hunting monsters and bandits and stuff. In this case, it's a matter of survival. The monsters are dangerous and hostile. They need to be killed or else they will kill people. It was mentioned in like episode 3 that monsters regularly attack villages. The word "monster" usually isn't interchangeable with "person". It means a monster. The monsters are called monsters because they're monsters. There may be non-humans who are more like humans or at least people than some others, but even the people of Nazarick are pretty evil from a human perspective. Even Ains barely has any feeling for humans at all, despite having been one before coming to this world. The extent of his caring is how useful they are to him. Most of Nazarick hate or look down on humans and would gladly kill or torture them for enjoyment. It's easy to sympathize with Ains and the Nazarick crew because they're our perspective characters, but if you look at them from any other perspective, they're definitely not good people, and the monsters that prey on humans that the adventurers have to hunt down are also hostile to humanity.

Jesse Gallimore

Lol dont be embarrassed. First of all, everyone has their own perspective. The author of this Light Novel is a hard core gamer, and if you don't know quite a lot about mmorpgs then your connotation of many of the words used will be off because they will most likely be derived from non-game related words that we use in colloquial speech. ie: Grinding in a video game does not mean the same thing that grinding in real life does, but it is derived from what grinding in real life means. (Though with modern slang they do pretty much mean the same thing now which is why I chose that example.) Tl:dr It's not your fault if something goes over your head. I've had to watch this through several times to catch everything because the anime tries to subtly hint at vast amounts of information from the LN with small details you wouldnt notice if you weren't looking for them. Just enjoy the show; your unique experience is what we're here for.


Thank you! Yeah I haven’t plays any rpgs so I know literally nothing. Maybe I should play one so I’m less ignorant when it comes to this stuff lol. It would be better for my reactions if I understood more about the worlds themselves!