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Youre always hungry when you do a reaction xD Wouldnt it be Smart to eat something little before the reaction? :P


Yeah probably but I know that after I eat I get really tired and I won’t feel like recording so I just push through it! 😁


I find it very interesting with the whole particle accelator topic. I was visitng with my company the Paul Scherrer Institute, which is a Research Institute for Science and technology, located in switzerland about 30 minutes from my Home town. It has several particle accelerator and has the most powerful Proton cyclotron in the world. The tour through the institute was very interesting, but after like 2 Hours you heard so much informations that I couldnt listen to the guide anymore. And during the tour I was always thinking about this anime xD


I actually love watching you try to figure it out as you go along, it brings me back to when i first watched it. lol A few of your theories are right on the money and others are *SO* close! I won't tell you which ones, of course, because I won't take that discovery away from you. But I'm giddy with excitement! As new information is coming your way, you'll be able to piece more of the puzzle together. You really are doing amazing. 👍👍👍😎


Really?! I already forgot everything I said! 😂 I gotta go back and watch it! All I remember is I was talking about human trials about time travel through black holes lol.

Reuben Filimaua

Makise Kurisu (red head girl) was freaking out more on the fact time travel is possible. Why that is, we'll learn more about her background as the series progresses. So far as we've learnt from John Titor, changing the past creates a new worldline that splits off from the change. A change in the past will cause different things from happening. With that knowledge, we can deduct that Okabe sent a message to Daru 5 days in the past because at the current time he sent the message, Daru's phone was hooked up to the phone microwave. Sending that message changed the worldline to a world where the lecture was cancelled and a satellite had crashed into the building and Kurisu is now alive and well. Why all this happened from that message we don't know. Because the worldline and events have been changed, everyone else has no memories of things that "didn't happen" like the lecture happening and Kurisu being dead. For some reason only Okabe remembers the previous worldline. That's all we know so far that you have not brought up in the discussion.