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I’ve decided to try and use another website to store my videos. Vimeo is just too risky. So here’s what I am going to do. I will spend the next day or two downloading and uploading all of my Patreon videos to a new file site once I’ve decided on one. Because this will take up a lot of my time, I won’t have time to record. I will literally be at my laptop all day nonstop. I would like to know which site you guys highly recommend to me for this. Please provide a link for the service so I can check it out!



TheFlamingShark a big reactor on YT (180k+ subs) uses Mega to upload his unedited Videos and he seems to have no issues with it. You have 65 GB storage in the first month, after that 30 (if you download the app you get 15gb for 180 days free) and if you invite friends you get 10gb per friend (you need to go to your account and then in the upper right on the rocket to invite friends). So you can ask fans on Youtube and Patreon to make accounts over your link. And for 5€ per month you get 200gb, 10€ you get 1tb. I dont know how to upload and share the videos, but we just need the link for the video to watch them. Link to the Site: https://mega.nz/


How does the storage work though. Is it 1TB per year and then it starts over? Or once I use all the storage then what? I think the most I can get is 8TB but what happens when I use all of it?


Yo, just messaged you, but forgot to include links: https://www.2giga.link/ https://mega.nz/#!1oUjUabC!SKXCviYSTU4C1GZbPi2xsm2rPGCSKtfP6utwamIcaD8


Man, that's a bummer :/ Mega and GoogleDrive seem to work quite well, but I'm not well informed on that subject. To answer on the Violet Evergreen question, on the Demon Slayer Ep7. In short, to keep it spoiler free. This 13 episode anime series is centred about a wounded, female child soldier trying to find her place in civilian life, after the "Great War".


I'll look into what else is there but the most reliable one I know of besides Vimeo would be Mega. Dropbox or Box may be possible alternatives but I'm not too sure how video streaming works on those platforms. Hope you figure this out soon!