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Yes was wating for another lol!!!


And I absolutely agree in season 1 rem and Subaru relationship seems much more geniue and you can see that rem really cares for Subaru and vice versa. While Emilia is tbh a flat character (season 1) she has not developed in season 1 like we dont know her back story, motives and what drives her. While we get rem and ram backstory and rem overall change as a character. However season 2 will be great anime of the year so be ready! XD


Can't wait for that Emilia development! As much as I like her, we do both have to admit that she's a flat character in season 1 tho. Soooo many moments in season two I look forward to with her!


The way the fog works is weird, but let's just say that the White Whale is always capable of just using it's sheer size and raw physical strength to get rid of its foes as well. 😉


Don’t tease me like that !! 😂. Yeah this fog thing is really throwing me off! I really don’t understand how some people are forgotten and others aren’t! My brain is trembling!


Rem x Subaru x Emilia OTP. Also, I wish people would stop spoiling you. And yeah, she literally explained that the White Whale has killed lots and lots of people over the 400 years since it was created, and that on top of that, because of the fog erasing them, there's loads of people dead who they can't even make graves for.


I read something that they cut out a Important Discussion in the Anime between Rem and Subaru before the Battle starts... Edit: Found something: Parts of Subaru and Rem's conversation at Flugel's Tree is cut, including the part where he reaffirms his love for Emilia and his promise to have Rem as his second wife if Emilia agrees to polygyny. There are also a lot more Changes, in this Episode and almost every other Episode, from what i read^^

Matthew B

lol, it's legit hilarious how much some of the side characters annoy you. Not a criticism.


Well its possible for some of the side characters, their "loved ones" or friends could've been killed without them themselves being in the presence of the forgetful fog. And then recieved the bad news after it happened.


When Wilhelm said he will finally be able to visit his wife's grave, he meant the whale since it killed her. Also, if you read Wilhelm's lines again about his wife, he said she loves flowers but never wished to wield a sword. You'll see more of the backstory later but just clarifying some stuff for you.


Yeah I know it killed lots of people, but what I don’t get is why some people are remembered while others are not. What makes them different or what makes some people forgotten while others are remembered?


We finally are here... It's whale wars boiiiisssss and giiiiirlssss. About the fog, it's really great that no body is trying to spoil it, I'm so proud of this community xd. And also try not to worry too much with the sins stuff, be patient, everything Will be explained in time. And the things that won't we will inform you but, who knows, maybe they would eventually be answered and you'll be spoiled future plots in the season 2. That's why answering questions is Kind of difficult, if you don't mind, maybe you can make a post for those who can't wait (and probably there are not few, I my self started reading the web novel because i wanted to know more) and want to know where people can chat freely. Do we have a discord? Also, next episode Will be amazing, look forward to it 😆


In this episode it was said that the "witch" made the White Whale. So hope that clears some questions you had :P


I did create a discord but I really don’t use it. Lol. The name is the same as my channel name. AwakeProductions! And the number is #4186


Betelgeuse's unseen arms seem like shadow magic. Does that mean Subare will one day be able to use it? 🤔 Also. The white whale has barely had any screen time, so there's probably a lot of uncovered information about it that'll be revealed later on. I'm just so happy and proud seeing how Subaru used all his prior loops to his advantage during this one! He really got himself together now after starting over from zero! ❤ Also, I think Betelgeuse introduced himself as the Archbishop of sloth previously, so I guess it's not a spoiler and that's why he might not be sloth. I didn't really think about "Sloth" being another person, so that's a nice deduction


Yeah someone else in the comments pointed that archbishop thing out to me so I can’t take credit! Also yes! Subaru really came prepared and ready to tackle this next reincarnation! So proud of our boy! ❤️❤️❤️

Daniel V

well arbishop pf sins has kind of the opposite personality of the sin they represent,like betelgeuse.Is is said that he is the most active of all archbishops.

Daniel V

And there is nothing above the archbishops in the witch cult.


Yeah he isn’t slothful at all. But does that really mean all archbishops are the opposite of their sins? Subaru is prideful so if he is prides archbishop he wouldn’t be the opposite. Right?


Every time he speaks, my brain trembles!


This is the episode where Subaru stopped trying to be a big-shot tough-guy hero and started acting sensibly to do his best to help and achieve his goals. This is the lesson that Julius was trying to teach him early on in the season when he kicked his ass in the arena.