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Hey guys I just wanted to fill you in on what’s been going on with me since I haven’t posted in about two days now. So as you know, if you’ve paid attention to this part of my videos, I have been dealing with a sensation on the upper right side of my face that has been annoying me for the past two weeks. It feels like there’s a piece of hair or like someone’s touching my face with a feather all day on and off and no matter what I do nothing alleviates it unless I’m sleeping. So I figured I would go to the doctor to get this checked out. We ended up concluding that it is a condition called trigeminal neuralgia. With this condition there is no cure and it comes and goes on its own. Pretty much the cranial nerve in my face is inflamed and is causing sensations in my face. My condition is very mild, but it could get to the point where I am in pain when I eat or try to chew, or I could end up with paralysis in my face. She was going to call for a CT scan, but since my case is mild she figured we would wait and see if it went away, but I am to keep her posted. She prescribed me this medication that is supposed to alleviate the symptoms, the drug is supposed to treat nerve pain. She gave me a 30 day supply and said that this should be enough to get you by until the condition is gone. She said to take it at night because it can cause drowsiness so I thought that since this will be the first day I’m taking it, I should just take today off from recording any new videos. Anyways I figured I would just let you guys know what’s going on with me and why I haven’t uploaded for two days. I’ve just been going crazy with this and I had a mental breakdown this morning before my appointment because this was just freaking me out so much. I am going to shoot for a double upload tomorrow on Patreon for you guys to make up for my absence. ❤️

I’ll let you guys know how things progress!


Matthew B

Hope you feel better.

Aespa MY

thank you 4 the update hope you feel better. and take a day off once a while if you need to


At least you got it checked out in time. Take it easy


Hope you get well soon! Prioritize your health, we understand


Hope it gets better! Your health comes 1st, so don't worry much about uplaods for now.