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Not bad for a first episode, especially to a show i didn't know existed until today. Looking forward to more, and see what direction this show takes. There has to be more to it than just kids fighting. Like why are they attacking this town in the first place? maybe someone has a plan and is sending them out to vandalize the town or something, idk.


Surprise anime reaction. I really don’t know anything about this anime. I did watch the first episode after you mentioned that you have reacted to it so let's see where it goes. Well the MC has one thing going for him is he seems like the polar opposite of Takamichi from Tokyo revenger so that is a plus in my book. However I don’t like his I’m against everyone and everyone is out to get me attitude but from the intro and the end of the episode it seems like it’s going to change as soon as episode 2 and he meets Furin. I’ll put it as a backstory so we understand better where he came from. Well he’s just a kid and behaving like a kid so yea she treats him like a kid. The you can’t become a top Furin is a lot more about his attitude when they met. Furin is not about the strongest. Is about the communities. So the me against the world can never become a top leader in the communities. After episode. I already like where it’s going much better than Tokyo Revenger 😁 I’m looking forward to episode 2 Well it look like the spring season will be good after all Take Care 😋