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solo 11 pat.mp4

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The glasses thing was funny. He dropped the what now? 🤣


Honestly, this show isn't doing it for me, and that's a shocker to me. I don't hate it or think it's boring or anything like that, it just doesn't hype me up. It has good animation and stuff but it just doesn't do it for me, i don't know why.


Same bro. I think this episode was one of the better one but I guess you have to take it for what it is. You see well animated fight scene. One thing for me is I'm more interested in all the other hunter they have a story. The most interesting fight was against the assassin. He has some personality. Fighting mindless monster or NPC doesn't do it for me. Also one comment that JinWoo said, This was pure luck I wasn't suppose to win this. My thought exactly. It seem like he won because he's the MC. I'll admit I'm bias here. A few weeks ago on discord there was a long argument about what Solo Leveling was about and the answer of what we should expect kind of turn me off the anime.


If Jinwoo drops another teleportation stone this series, I'm gonna lose my mind ahaha. Why's he so bad at holding/using them?! I had a good chuckle when you were ripping into him for it

My Big Little Brother

It's ok if its not your cup of tea. I really dislike One Piece, it's just not my thing. Doesn't make it any less interesting!

My Big Little Brother

I've got a variety of reasons for disliking OP, but none will serve to appease someone who does like it. Their love is emotional, my dislikes are logical - they will never mesh. 1) There's only 5 minutes of actual progression each episode. 2 minute intro and 3 minute recap is ridiculous. The rest of the content is padded with unnecessary lingering shots and purposely slow pacing. 2) I don't like marine / anything. This stems from my trauma nearly drowning. The exception is "Water World" by Kevin Costner, not a great movie but one of the few where I mind it. Also Legend of Zelda : Wind Waker. 3) The pacing is horrendous. I shouldn't have to invest 300+ episodes before it "gets better". 4) The story is average so it's a bit hard to care about the characters unless one is younger. Those are my main gripes.


Yea the anime pacing sucks i really dont like the anime too much. The manga is amazing though and the story definitely doesn't need to wait until 300 to be good I was first truly compelled by the story as early as chapter 30 you can see great character moments. If you have any interest in reading id recommend trying it I know you said you have past trauma but while the show does take place in a world with lots of water 95% of the series is spent on islands doing stuff. I'm really interested to know why you think the story is average though because I think one piece has some of the best writing of any manga and is telling a long story that without going into spoiling details is culminating in the current arc of one piece the manga is on its like 25 years of work coming to fruition . I personally am a fun of long series though because I like how much more depth you can give to characters

My Big Little Brother

No thank you. I invested 350 episodes into that anime because people kept suggesting I just "keep going". I just don't like it. There's really nothing that would change the experience for me, honestly. As far as why the story telling is just average, I'm basing it on my time with the show.


that's extremely surprising to me that you made it through enies lobby and didn't enjoy it even a little bit but to each their own i guess