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frieren 27 pat2.mp4

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We didn’t get to see what she said to wyrbel, Denken, the copycat man, or Ubel… however you spell their names. And I have to know because I’m SO INVESTED IN DENKEN


Found some comments on reddit stating that Serie is just the ultimate tsundere. She says she doesn't really care for Flamme, but we see a few episodes ago, she still thinks of her, and even this episode still likes flowers (indicating she uses the flower bed magic to create the flowers in the last test maybe?). She hates on her human 1st class mages not living long enough, but remembers all their magic and even personality traits. Only disappointed in the fact that they can't become even better, due to age, and not being able to detect her mana suppression. On that, what Serie was saying was that her suppressed mana is as large as Frieren's unsuppressed mana, because she always is keeping it suppressed, hence why she smiled when Fern could tell. Mana is can only grow bigger with time/age and training. Elves and demon's have a lot of time so hence the large mana. Frieren focused herself on suppressing her mana, collecting useless spells, and helping humanity evolving their magic (the white Zoltraack, Clone Frieren last episode used the original Zoltraack the black one, meant for killing humans/humanoids). Hence why Serie thinks she is unskilled for her age; she never focused on the normal aspects of training, expanding mana and combat. I think Frieren + her party used more guerrilla tactics against the demons most of the time, but could go toe to toe when needed. But even then we heard that they got overwhelmed at times i.e. vs Qual/Aura.