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affection 10 pat.mp4

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This was a very good episode. I can tell that they'll become good friends, at the end of the day it's like you said, there's no reason to hate itsuomi.


Thanks for the recommendation. 7th time loop sounds interesting. Maybe I'll check it out.


I’m so late catching up 😁. That's one thing I like about a Sign of affection. It goes to pure romance. Not any of that nonsense I have to hide my feelings and keep distance 😁. At the bar with Itsuomi Friend, You can’t neglect your own feelings most of the time. True True. When Itsuomi meets Oushi, Can’t we skip all that bullshit. That's why I like Itsuomi. Cut the crap, we don’t have time to deal with this. I still don’t like Oushi really much. I judge people by their behaviour. And being a jerk because you have an issue doesn’t fly with me. I can understand him not liking Itsuomi but the way he behaves with Yuki is not good. My main grip with Oushi is that he doesn't seem to consider what Yuki thinks and what she wants. He came out like I knew better. Yuki shouldn’t do this or stay late or do that. One of the best examples is after the bar Oushi asks Itsuomi to break up with Yuki. Itsuomi has the best answer ever. Breaking up is a mutual decision. Wow. Oushi doesn’t consider Yuki's wish at all. Like a discussion between guys and him breaking up? Itsuomi's first thought wasn’t about himself, that he loved Yuki and he would not break up. His first thought is that a relationship is a mutual decision and Yuki is important, she has a say. After episode. Itsuomi again is fantastic in this episode. He shows again and again that Yuki is important to him. And Oushi, Contrairely to Istuomi I don’t see him genuinely loving Yuki. The only reason he loves Yuki is because she pays attention to him when he uses sign language. Nowhere in this episode they go into any reason he likes her besides her paying attention to him. Granted that we didn’t get much of the interaction so there was not any time to tell or it would be awkward and not really a guy we just met kind of conversation but still. I guess you are right is a good representation of life and what it is to be human. But it show the difference in emotional maturity of Istuomi and Oushi. “They treat each other so well and should it not be a given? Not everyone is like that.” That is why I like Istuomi and don’t like Oushi. The way Istuomi treats Yuki is by caring about her and thinking she is important. I don’t see that in Oushi. Oushi is about himself and how she makes him feel special because of the sign language. The 7th time loop looks like fun but I can barely keep up with what we are watching currently so I’m not sure I have time to add another one. 😅 Ok Great reaction. Take Care 😋